I don't know what's been going on here at Gimp House recently, but cash (in bill form) has been disappearing from any place I leave it. A couple of weeks ago 600 disappeared from the envelope that was in the tray next to my bed, the 50 I had in wallet for the trip to the airport suddenly wasn't there, and yesterday, 1100 was taken from my bag. When I found it gone, I got really bad chest pains and came home to look for it and rest a bit. I called Shmaryah and told I was taking my chest pains home to let them calm down, and when he got back to town, he came here first and called when he discovered I wasn't here. I had taken the checks to the bank and was at the store by then. When Shmaryah get back to the store from my house, I told him about it and sent him to change the lock on the door. Now I have the only keys to house, and the spares are going in the Land Rover later today.(the other door is blocked by the fridge) I'm not accusing anyone, yet, but I have a pretty good idea of where it went, unless I've been getting up in my sleep and hiding it from myself. The post dated checks were still in place. Now they are all in the bank. I am going to make the guy at the bank teach me how to deposit cash through the ATM. No more will I keep it at home overnight. I just don't trust myself any more. We really needed that money in the store account.
Aron called last evening when they were on the way back from Jerusalem and sounds like he's in love with my jeep! That's good news because he really knows his cars. I'm excited about being with him for most of the day and getting to drive my beloved vehicle again.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
I've been feeling that all is not right with my daughter lately and found out yesterday that she was in a car crash that left her with a limp. She obviously told everyone up here not to tell me. I'm surprised that Aron never said a word, but as he's gone off to Jerusalem and didn't call yesterday, I couldn't ask him. I could just kick her, but probably won't ever get close enough to her for that. At least she didn't have the girls in the car when it happened.
It's also very odd to take Peg out in the morning and not see the jeep outside,(I always say "Good morning" to it) but at least I know where it is!
I'm getting all excited about tomorrow. Aron is going with me to the doctor. It's going to be a mother-daughter (Liat has plans with her mom) and a mother-son day (Aron with me) day and I can't wait. It's so much fun to be with him.
Today I have tons of things to do; pay my way over due butcher bill, take some papers to my accountant, get cigarettes, stop in at both stores, make an appointment to get Peg's hair cut, get my hair cut, cut my nails. I always forget to cut my nails before Pesach and end up half way through the Omer with mile long claws. Not this year. I'm going to chop them off right now, and get started on the other projects! If I'm busy busy today, tomorrow will come faster, won't it?
It's also very odd to take Peg out in the morning and not see the jeep outside,(I always say "Good morning" to it) but at least I know where it is!
I'm getting all excited about tomorrow. Aron is going with me to the doctor. It's going to be a mother-daughter (Liat has plans with her mom) and a mother-son day (Aron with me) day and I can't wait. It's so much fun to be with him.
Today I have tons of things to do; pay my way over due butcher bill, take some papers to my accountant, get cigarettes, stop in at both stores, make an appointment to get Peg's hair cut, get my hair cut, cut my nails. I always forget to cut my nails before Pesach and end up half way through the Omer with mile long claws. Not this year. I'm going to chop them off right now, and get started on the other projects! If I'm busy busy today, tomorrow will come faster, won't it?
Monday, March 26, 2007
Ohhhh, he is so much fun, even if he insisted on cleaning the land Rover. I work so hard at getting it all dusty and muddy so it looks like it's used properly and he goes and shines it all up. He has promised to mix up some mud and throw it at the jeep before he brings it back, and to dump all the stuff he cleaned from the inside back where it was. Why don't I believe him?
My timing was spot on yesterday. I called just after he woke up and told him that if he wanted to see Shmaryah, he'd have to get to the store fairly soon as Shmaryah had to go to Yavniel to help his brother whose son was killed on Friday. I also wanted my jacket from the car. He arrived in good time, hugs, and back thumps all around and Aron made a comment about looking for a GPS to rent for their trip to Jerusalem. "No need to rent! I have one." He was amazed, even more amazed that it's also a cell phone. I told him to come over in the evening and I'd set it up for him. Of course I couldn't find the book, but Orna did, so now he's all set. As Shmaryah wasn't around, I closed early and went shopping. I put a large bag of dairy stuff on Harley's left handlebar and breezed through the check out without paying for all that stuff. I realized it halfway home and briefly considered turning myself into the police, but decided to just toss the stuff I had payed for onto my bed and go back and pay for the 'stolen goods'. That done, I thought I'd go by and see if maybe the kids were home and maybe visit for a while. They weren't, but there was a shiny Land Rover(Land Rovers should be muddy) in the driveway. They were at the mall just up the street, so I charged up there and we had a nice, if brief chat.
Back home, I settled into bed and watched TV and read until he arrived for the GPS. After much searching, we found the book, and off he went to get ready for their Jerusalem adventure. All of them going. Another trip to Jerusalem with a full jeep.
On Wednesday he's going with me to the doctor for a check up on my toes, which seem to better. It's kind of nice the way that worked out. His wife is going someplace with her mother, so we can have a 'mother-son' day. Then, on Thursday they are going see his sister. I can't for the life of me understand how she hasn't been up here yet to see him. That girl needs a swift kick. I'm just so happy that things are good between us again. He's such a great guy.
My timing was spot on yesterday. I called just after he woke up and told him that if he wanted to see Shmaryah, he'd have to get to the store fairly soon as Shmaryah had to go to Yavniel to help his brother whose son was killed on Friday. I also wanted my jacket from the car. He arrived in good time, hugs, and back thumps all around and Aron made a comment about looking for a GPS to rent for their trip to Jerusalem. "No need to rent! I have one." He was amazed, even more amazed that it's also a cell phone. I told him to come over in the evening and I'd set it up for him. Of course I couldn't find the book, but Orna did, so now he's all set. As Shmaryah wasn't around, I closed early and went shopping. I put a large bag of dairy stuff on Harley's left handlebar and breezed through the check out without paying for all that stuff. I realized it halfway home and briefly considered turning myself into the police, but decided to just toss the stuff I had payed for onto my bed and go back and pay for the 'stolen goods'. That done, I thought I'd go by and see if maybe the kids were home and maybe visit for a while. They weren't, but there was a shiny Land Rover(Land Rovers should be muddy) in the driveway. They were at the mall just up the street, so I charged up there and we had a nice, if brief chat.
Back home, I settled into bed and watched TV and read until he arrived for the GPS. After much searching, we found the book, and off he went to get ready for their Jerusalem adventure. All of them going. Another trip to Jerusalem with a full jeep.
On Wednesday he's going with me to the doctor for a check up on my toes, which seem to better. It's kind of nice the way that worked out. His wife is going someplace with her mother, so we can have a 'mother-son' day. Then, on Thursday they are going see his sister. I can't for the life of me understand how she hasn't been up here yet to see him. That girl needs a swift kick. I'm just so happy that things are good between us again. He's such a great guy.
Saturday, March 24, 2007

Proof positive that we got there on time!
In spite of my hatred of early morning missions, I pulled off yesterday's without a hitch. I actually woke up on time, had a coffee and got the stuff to the car all by myself. Orna was going to help me do that at 0745 but Motty and I decided rather late the night before to leave earlier than planned. I put my bag, the flowers, and water on Harley Two, took it all to the car, reparked Harley on the ramp, and staggered to the car. I got to Motty's at 0600, and off we went. After one small wrong turn in Afula, we got to the airport at 0830. Their plane had landed but they weren't out yet. There I sat on my wheely holding the bouquet with the stuffed toy, getting all choked up just thinking about them coming. I gave Motty my camera when he said it was a shame that he hadn't brought one. Mine lives in my bag. Then, all of a sudden, there they were! Big hugs and my tears of sheer joy started to flow. Somehow I managed to give her the flowers and toy through my tears and tell Aron that his gift is in the car. Off to loo with me, then, to the car. We got everything in , with the wheely on top, and headed out. Father and daughter in the back seat, mother and son up front. Of course, the very first thing I did when we left the airport was take a wrong turn. We ended up going south instead of north, but found our way back to the airport where we started all over again and found the right road. Aron was wise enough to not talk much about his father because any mention of him starts my tears. We stopped for coffee and he told me a little more about it then. He also set me off by asking how my mother's name is spelled. If it's a girl they want to use her name, if a boy, his father's. At least one of my kids has some feeling for tradition. I'm having trouble writing this with dry eyes. When we got back, I dropped them at her parents, and they invited me in, but I had to get my aches home. Of course I told Aron through a teary smile that he was to remember that Granny Franne gave the Beach Ball her/his first stuffed toy! I'm sure the other grandparents have crates of gifts, but I wanted to be first!! It's a long drive to and from the airport, and my back and right leg were screaming at me. Of course I got home to a pick up truck in my parking place. This time the criminal was a useless city hall employee who actually had the nerve to yell at me. Oh, is he ever going to be sorry on Monday. Too bad for him that I can't stand him anyway. This is going to be fun! Even more fun will be seeing the kids today. Her grandmother lives near me, so they'll probably come over, if not, I'll hop on Harley and go over there, and be ever so nice to those who were once 'the enemy'. It would be too much for me to stand to be on the outs with both of my kids. Especially Aron who is such a wonderful guy.
Funny thing about him. When he was a baby you could put his baby picture next to mine and not be able to say they were two different babies. Today he looks more like his father. Ok, that's just another way of saying he's gorgeously handsome! I'm so proud of him because he has grown up to be such a wonderful person.
On a sadder note, about an hour after I got home, Lavana called to tell me that Shmaryah had to go to Yavniel (near Tiberius) because his oldest brother's son was killed in a car accident around noon. I could barely understand her because she was crying so hard. What a lousy end to the day.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Aron's father in law came over this morning to ask if I'd heard anything about them coming. There was a 5 hour strike in the country and the airport was shut down. Nothing in, nothing out. The idiots in the government finally sorted the issues and the airport is open again. I mentioned my falling from the jeep to Motty and he told me to bring the jeep over to his house and he'd sort the step that was put on in the wrong place when I bought it. So I did and he moved it to a better place and now I can get in much more easily. The man has magic hands.
After that was sorted I took off for Nazareth to see Etty, Yaacov, and Yaron. Yaacov is out of hospital and looks much better. Not good, mind you, but better. Yaron told me that the growth shrank a little from the treatments and it seems that is almost unheard of in cases like his.
Yaacov's mother and brother surprised them by appearing at the door with no warning and it was nice to see them again after so many years.
Then, of course I got home to find a car in MY space. A non cripple car. I leaned on the horn until the jerk came out and moved it. Just as I was about to shut the jeep down, Lavana called and asked if I was too tired to go on a delivery to Metula. So off we went. Then I got home desperate for the loo and there was yet another car in my space. This time I called the cops and gave them the license number and they called and got the driver to move. Come on people. That space is for my car and mine only. The sign has my license plate number on it and not even another wheely card cripple car can use it. Sorry, but that's the law. The law also states that only wheely card cripples can park in wheely spaces, the other limited mobility cards are not allowed to. They do and no one gets too bent about it. but a non crip using a L.M. card in a wheely space is a big no no. Those cards are to used only when the crip is in the car, never by family members using the car without the crip. Sheesh. Twice in one evening, and I needed the loo. Ah, well, I'm home now, the strike is over and I can finally get something to eat. Is it still breakfast at 2225?
After that was sorted I took off for Nazareth to see Etty, Yaacov, and Yaron. Yaacov is out of hospital and looks much better. Not good, mind you, but better. Yaron told me that the growth shrank a little from the treatments and it seems that is almost unheard of in cases like his.
Yaacov's mother and brother surprised them by appearing at the door with no warning and it was nice to see them again after so many years.
Then, of course I got home to find a car in MY space. A non cripple car. I leaned on the horn until the jerk came out and moved it. Just as I was about to shut the jeep down, Lavana called and asked if I was too tired to go on a delivery to Metula. So off we went. Then I got home desperate for the loo and there was yet another car in my space. This time I called the cops and gave them the license number and they called and got the driver to move. Come on people. That space is for my car and mine only. The sign has my license plate number on it and not even another wheely card cripple car can use it. Sorry, but that's the law. The law also states that only wheely card cripples can park in wheely spaces, the other limited mobility cards are not allowed to. They do and no one gets too bent about it. but a non crip using a L.M. card in a wheely space is a big no no. Those cards are to used only when the crip is in the car, never by family members using the car without the crip. Sheesh. Twice in one evening, and I needed the loo. Ah, well, I'm home now, the strike is over and I can finally get something to eat. Is it still breakfast at 2225?
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Ok, you can just call me Grace from now on. I managed to fall out of the jeep while trying to get in today. Of course it happened on a busy street corner in Tiberius. Lavana and I went to the regional VAT office to start the official legal transfer of the flower shop to me and parking in that area is a nightmare. No way was I going to park in a 'normal' cripple spot and then get out into traffic, so I went around the block , up on the pavement (sidewalk) and parked in corner where there was plenty of room on both sides of the jeep. I can get out just fine, but getting in is another whole story especially with my toes. There's a little step stool that lives in the back for just such occasions. Somehow it slipped and I sort of hung myself part in, part out. Luckily Lavana was right there and we got my other hand onto the door handle so I was hanging a bit more securely. A very nice man from the Border Police was walking by and he helped after Lavana put my left foot (the one with drop foot flat on the ground. He held the foot stool with his foot while I hauled my self in and somehow I managed not to kick him between the legs. I do that often because my whole left leg is a free agent and seems not to like men. It's not like this is the first time that's happened. I actually can get in without help, but not with my left foot in the shape it's in. It should be ok in a couple of weeks. The only damage is a bruise on my right leg and a sore right shoulder from the jerk it got when I slipped and caught myself. I almost wish someone had filmed it. I'm sure it was hysterically funny. No matter. I will find a better method of hauling myself in soon.
Maybe I just blame it on the fact that I left home without coffee. I woke up at 0530 and went straight to the edit file on the DVD burn project because I wanted to start the burn before I left in order to free up more room to save the skating championships that started today. By the time the burn started it was time to leave, so, I left, with no coffee. In fact, I'm drinking it right now. Morning coffee at 1630.
At least now I know that I'll be able to be up and out in plenty of time to get my son from the airport after a proper morning coffee! No burn project for Friday a.m.
He would have to land at 0815, which means leaving home before 0700. His father in law is coming with me, so that's ok. Me, Don, (McClain) and Motty on an early morning run to the airport.
Maybe I just blame it on the fact that I left home without coffee. I woke up at 0530 and went straight to the edit file on the DVD burn project because I wanted to start the burn before I left in order to free up more room to save the skating championships that started today. By the time the burn started it was time to leave, so, I left, with no coffee. In fact, I'm drinking it right now. Morning coffee at 1630.
At least now I know that I'll be able to be up and out in plenty of time to get my son from the airport after a proper morning coffee! No burn project for Friday a.m.
He would have to land at 0815, which means leaving home before 0700. His father in law is coming with me, so that's ok. Me, Don, (McClain) and Motty on an early morning run to the airport.
Friday, March 16, 2007
In the end it didn't quite snow here, but it did only 12 miles away. I also didn't go out. Shmaryah came by and took Peg walkies, got my meds(they didn't have the important one, so I'll have to make a 'combina' today so I can get at the private pharmacy) and rescued my wallet from the jeep where it fell out of my bag. So I just stayed in and burned another movie. I do have to go out today, then I'll either come home or go to Haifa to see Etty, Yaacov, and Yaron.
I seem to have misplaced two books that are on my 'read next' list, so, I'll have to dig around in the 'liberry' later. Those two books are supposed to be with Hebrew ones because of their favorite status, but might be with Jerusalem Poker for the same reason. I do know that they are in the house, so they will turn up.
Teadrinker had a bad day yesterday which means I did too, sort of. Her landlady went out early in the morning and a light she left on blew the electricity and Teadrinker couldn't get to fuse box. Hysteria reigned for a several hours. I finally got her to stop and decide that she really wants to sort it and not just rant and rave. She called the English speaking in laws to the land lady and it will be sorted soon. I can understand the initial panic and rage, but I usually calm down quickly and start to figure out how to solve the problem, then, come here for some ranting. She tends to skip the solve stage and gets straight on to me. But, then, that's what I'm here for! I'll have to go down there for a visit soon. Between Aron and Jeanie visits, I hope.
So much to do and so little time.
I seem to have misplaced two books that are on my 'read next' list, so, I'll have to dig around in the 'liberry' later. Those two books are supposed to be with Hebrew ones because of their favorite status, but might be with Jerusalem Poker for the same reason. I do know that they are in the house, so they will turn up.
Teadrinker had a bad day yesterday which means I did too, sort of. Her landlady went out early in the morning and a light she left on blew the electricity and Teadrinker couldn't get to fuse box. Hysteria reigned for a several hours. I finally got her to stop and decide that she really wants to sort it and not just rant and rave. She called the English speaking in laws to the land lady and it will be sorted soon. I can understand the initial panic and rage, but I usually calm down quickly and start to figure out how to solve the problem, then, come here for some ranting. She tends to skip the solve stage and gets straight on to me. But, then, that's what I'm here for! I'll have to go down there for a visit soon. Between Aron and Jeanie visits, I hope.
So much to do and so little time.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
This is very not good. Make that two things very not good. The first is only a little not good. The toe in question is infected and I have to take the hated antibiotics instead of treat it topically. In the end Striar went with me, and it seems that I unwittingly did him a favor. We had a good laugh over that!
After seeing the doc we went to see Etty and Yaacov in hospital. There is something disconcerting about seeing a man you know as active, always busy, and feisty curled up like a fetus in a hospital bed barely reacting to anything. Yes, he is dying, and it hurts like hell. Etty is a total wreck and there's not a damn thing I can do for her, except go there as often as I can. Two of his sisters were there while I was and they were both somewhat annoying with the way they kept saying he'd be home soon. He will, depending on what you call home. As is usual with Yaacov and me and finding places in Haifa, we got well and truly lost in the hospital trying to find him and I mentioned that he's a bit a jinx for me in Haifa. His youngest sister jumped in with a few comments about that intended to make me feel a complete idiot. Yaacov jumped to my defense and found the strength to tell her about that insane day I took him to his treatment and made every wrong turn possible and a few that weren't possible. Bless his little cotton socks! I am going to miss him so much. But, for now, he's here, so I'll just concentrate on that.
It just might snow here today. I'll know in a while. I have to get dressed, take Peg walkies, sniff the air, then I'll know. IT'S AN ABOMINABLE SNOW GIMP SUIT DAY. I also have to get my meds, stop in at the door store, then depending on what's going on, maybe will just come home and curl up with the lap top, or do some more burning. I got another movie done yesterday and managed to flip the disk in such a way that it fell behind the computer where I can't even see it! I'll have someone dig it out later.
After seeing the doc we went to see Etty and Yaacov in hospital. There is something disconcerting about seeing a man you know as active, always busy, and feisty curled up like a fetus in a hospital bed barely reacting to anything. Yes, he is dying, and it hurts like hell. Etty is a total wreck and there's not a damn thing I can do for her, except go there as often as I can. Two of his sisters were there while I was and they were both somewhat annoying with the way they kept saying he'd be home soon. He will, depending on what you call home. As is usual with Yaacov and me and finding places in Haifa, we got well and truly lost in the hospital trying to find him and I mentioned that he's a bit a jinx for me in Haifa. His youngest sister jumped in with a few comments about that intended to make me feel a complete idiot. Yaacov jumped to my defense and found the strength to tell her about that insane day I took him to his treatment and made every wrong turn possible and a few that weren't possible. Bless his little cotton socks! I am going to miss him so much. But, for now, he's here, so I'll just concentrate on that.
It just might snow here today. I'll know in a while. I have to get dressed, take Peg walkies, sniff the air, then I'll know. IT'S AN ABOMINABLE SNOW GIMP SUIT DAY. I also have to get my meds, stop in at the door store, then depending on what's going on, maybe will just come home and curl up with the lap top, or do some more burning. I got another movie done yesterday and managed to flip the disk in such a way that it fell behind the computer where I can't even see it! I'll have someone dig it out later.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
I really hate it when I call Etty and Yaacov at home and there's no answer. Of course the next thing to do is to call Etty's cell phone, which I did, only to told that Yaacov is in the hospital yet again with pneumonia and other assorted problems.
Talk about a quick change of plans. I'm not going to the local clinic with my toe. I'm taking it to THE MAN, the going to see Yaacov and Etty as the hospital he's in is in Haifa which is reasonably close to the clinic I need for the toe.
We've known for months that it's only a matter of time for Yaacov, but after my last visit I let myself hope that there would be more time. Yaron is coming on Friday, and I'm praying as hard as I can that he will get here in time. I have been feeling that he was just waiting for Yaron to get here, but now I'm not sure. 3 days is a long time with him in this condition.
There have been too many untimely deaths over the past year, and it's hard to deal with. Yeah, I know life isn't fair. Nothing new there, but this is almost too much. I'm afraid this will push Etty over the edge, and there's not a damn thing I can do about. I for sure can't see her living alone and even though it's a given that both sons will want her to move in with them, and Yaron is going to fight for her tooth and nail, Dotan is the logical choice. It would keep her in the country close the rest of her family where going to live with Yaron would land her in a country where she doesn't know the language and there's no chance that she ever would. It's all so sad.
Talk about a quick change of plans. I'm not going to the local clinic with my toe. I'm taking it to THE MAN, the going to see Yaacov and Etty as the hospital he's in is in Haifa which is reasonably close to the clinic I need for the toe.
We've known for months that it's only a matter of time for Yaacov, but after my last visit I let myself hope that there would be more time. Yaron is coming on Friday, and I'm praying as hard as I can that he will get here in time. I have been feeling that he was just waiting for Yaron to get here, but now I'm not sure. 3 days is a long time with him in this condition.
There have been too many untimely deaths over the past year, and it's hard to deal with. Yeah, I know life isn't fair. Nothing new there, but this is almost too much. I'm afraid this will push Etty over the edge, and there's not a damn thing I can do about. I for sure can't see her living alone and even though it's a given that both sons will want her to move in with them, and Yaron is going to fight for her tooth and nail, Dotan is the logical choice. It would keep her in the country close the rest of her family where going to live with Yaron would land her in a country where she doesn't know the language and there's no chance that she ever would. It's all so sad.
I knew the world figure skating championships were supposed to in March, so, when I went Eurosport to find out when, I almost went into heart failure when I found a results page. It took me a while to figure out that they were last years results and a little more searching to find out that I hadn't missed this year's at all. There are now notes all over Gimp House (thank whoever invented post its here) and I will have the equipment ready to record in time. This is not a good way to start a morning. There is only one thing worse than missing a skating competition and that's not having a book at hand! Whew! I caught it just in time.
It's also good that today is Wednesday and raining at that! I can stay in and burn burn burn.
I might have to make a quick run to the clinic and the accountant. Another toe is acting up and I am so not in the mood. Best to get sorted right away. It feels like it's on fire. It would also be a very good idea to get my butt in gear or the day will be over before I get anything done!
It's also good that today is Wednesday and raining at that! I can stay in and burn burn burn.
I might have to make a quick run to the clinic and the accountant. Another toe is acting up and I am so not in the mood. Best to get sorted right away. It feels like it's on fire. It would also be a very good idea to get my butt in gear or the day will be over before I get anything done!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
I'm not often quite so slow, and considering how much I read, it's kind of odd that I never thought to look for a group of readers (bookworms) on the interweb. I finally got around to it over the weekend and have been trying to figure out what took so long since then. There seems to be problem with my e mail as I've only gotten one post from the group. I'm not bouncing. I checked. Yahoo seems to be competing with our government to see who can send me to Bozo Barracks first. I just got a letter informing me that the Suzuki's registration is expired and that it has no test. I do wonder if that could be related to the stolen license plate? It does have a valid paid up registration and passed it's test! At least the legal one does.
On top of that, City Hall has lost what few marbles it used to have and has sent everyone huge bills for unpaid property taxes, even for property no longer held, and paid in full. We're talking about bills for thousands of shekels, in some cases, amounts larger than the value of the property. I'm thinking that the best way to handle it might be to go settle the bill with a large can of gasoline and a large box of matches. Of course, that has long been my solution to City Hall and all the other corruption there.
Time to get dressed and go fight the good fight!
On top of that, City Hall has lost what few marbles it used to have and has sent everyone huge bills for unpaid property taxes, even for property no longer held, and paid in full. We're talking about bills for thousands of shekels, in some cases, amounts larger than the value of the property. I'm thinking that the best way to handle it might be to go settle the bill with a large can of gasoline and a large box of matches. Of course, that has long been my solution to City Hall and all the other corruption there.
Time to get dressed and go fight the good fight!
Monday, March 12, 2007
There have been a lot of really bad traffic accidents in and around the country lately. One really bad left 3 kids orphans because someone ran a red light with his jeep. Another bad one left the driver's (high blood alcohol and cocaine levels) twin brother and several others dead. A bunch of folks started a demonstration to demand that the government do something about accidents. Excuse me. Just what can the government do about drivers being stupid? Nothing seems to be able to deter Israeli drivers from breaking the laws already in place and the judges hand down ridiculous sentences to traffic criminals. AND THEY EXPECT THE GOVERNMENT TO DO SOMETHING? What exactly? It was announced that new cameras are being put in at intersections with high accident rates. This will help how? It might show who ran the red light, but when the offender gets off with community service, what good will it do?
Oh, well. The only thing I can do about it is continue to drive as usual (very carefully) and keep an eye out for the insane drivers who pass on solid white lines.
Oh, well. The only thing I can do about it is continue to drive as usual (very carefully) and keep an eye out for the insane drivers who pass on solid white lines.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
I finally got he freaking DVD recorder to do what it's supposed to do! Never mind that it took all day and most of the night, It works and by the end of the week most of the saved programs should be off the hard drive of the cable digibox. I gave up waiting for the burn to finish at 0300 and decided that it could continue working while I got a few hours of sleep. I woke up to a nicely burned DVD that even works! You don't really think that I didn't test it, do you?
First thing this morning I started another movie to save but for some reason it stopped after the first frame, so I started it again. When I get home I'll move the frames to the proper place, then start the burn and let it run all night. If I can do one a day, the digibox hard drive should be cleared by the end of the week.
Aron is arriving on the 23rd, not the 22nd like he said. Damn good thing we got that figured out because otherwise we would have been waiting for them to come out of the terminal here before they even boarded their flight.I'm so excited about them coming that I'm almost ready to leave now to meet them, but sitting in the arrivals hall for 2 weeks is not my idea of fun, so I'll just try and get a grip and enjoy the anticipation while I wait here. At least I have a project to keep me busy until then.
I absolutely do not understand the urgency to find out the gender of the Beach Ball so soon. What ever happened to anticipation, waiting to find out? It's not like they'll refuse delivery no matter the sex! Anticipation is so delicious. It's one of my favorite things. No matter what for, unless it's bad news. That can always wait, but waiting to find out what the grandkid will be is just so wonderful that I can not for the life of me understand why it's so urgent to find out. Even worse is when someone asks if you want to know and you say "no" but they tell you anyway, usually while you are saying "no" Two people did that to me last week but I'm pretending I didn't hear. Oh, well, it is an era of instant gratification in all things, for all people. Life in the fast lane, now, now, now. I want IT now, TELL me now. Why should I wait? I like to wait and savor the anticipation right up to the very last minute. It's not like we'll never know if it's a boy or a girl. If my doctor had told me, I would have switched doctors so fast their heads would still be spinning 30+ years later. Maybe we should all just slow down a little and savor those parts of life?
First thing this morning I started another movie to save but for some reason it stopped after the first frame, so I started it again. When I get home I'll move the frames to the proper place, then start the burn and let it run all night. If I can do one a day, the digibox hard drive should be cleared by the end of the week.
Aron is arriving on the 23rd, not the 22nd like he said. Damn good thing we got that figured out because otherwise we would have been waiting for them to come out of the terminal here before they even boarded their flight.I'm so excited about them coming that I'm almost ready to leave now to meet them, but sitting in the arrivals hall for 2 weeks is not my idea of fun, so I'll just try and get a grip and enjoy the anticipation while I wait here. At least I have a project to keep me busy until then.
I absolutely do not understand the urgency to find out the gender of the Beach Ball so soon. What ever happened to anticipation, waiting to find out? It's not like they'll refuse delivery no matter the sex! Anticipation is so delicious. It's one of my favorite things. No matter what for, unless it's bad news. That can always wait, but waiting to find out what the grandkid will be is just so wonderful that I can not for the life of me understand why it's so urgent to find out. Even worse is when someone asks if you want to know and you say "no" but they tell you anyway, usually while you are saying "no" Two people did that to me last week but I'm pretending I didn't hear. Oh, well, it is an era of instant gratification in all things, for all people. Life in the fast lane, now, now, now. I want IT now, TELL me now. Why should I wait? I like to wait and savor the anticipation right up to the very last minute. It's not like we'll never know if it's a boy or a girl. If my doctor had told me, I would have switched doctors so fast their heads would still be spinning 30+ years later. Maybe we should all just slow down a little and savor those parts of life?
Saturday, March 10, 2007
It is possible that the DVD recorder just might be working. I have it running now. Next step is to try and make it save to the computer.So far that operation seems to be beyond me, but if I stay calm and use my limited common sense, it might just work. There's tons of room on that computer to save whole movies and after they are burned they can be deleted. At least it getting somewhere after 2 months of futile attempts
YES! It's saving now. At last and it was just a matter of common sense as in telling it the correct capture source. I now have hope that much progress will be made with this project today. I am most pleased.
Aron wrote me that are coming on the 22nd. Hoe kind of forgot to mention that they land on the 23rd. Good thing I couldn't find their flight arrival on the 22nd and thought to ask him. The other grandfather and I will be there on time to pick them up and not a day early, which was entirely possible!
YES! It's saving now. At last and it was just a matter of common sense as in telling it the correct capture source. I now have hope that much progress will be made with this project today. I am most pleased.
Aron wrote me that are coming on the 22nd. Hoe kind of forgot to mention that they land on the 23rd. Good thing I couldn't find their flight arrival on the 22nd and thought to ask him. The other grandfather and I will be there on time to pick them up and not a day early, which was entirely possible!
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
On Monday I took my toes to the clinic in the hope that they were healed enough to stop the ointment and dressings. They weren't, and we decided to try a different ointment that has to be left alone for three days. I called Etty and Yaacov to ask if he felt like going out because stairs are out for now. Etty was at her doctor and Yaacov said he'd love to go out, so I hopped in the jeep and headed out after chasing Shmaryah down to get air in the wheely wheels because the plan at that point was to go to the garden center. In the end we went to that restaurant in Nazareth for the simple reason that Etty had to go back to her doctor. Damn, that place is good and cheap! Yaacov still looks awful and he had a hard time getting into the jeep, (like *I* don't) but he was more alert and ate well. He's pretty unsteady on his feet but refuses to even listen to the idea of using a cane. Yaron will be here on Friday so I might just tell him to go out and buy a cane anyway. That way Yaacov will at least have the option to hand.
I got home early feeling tired and happy that Yaacov felt good enough to go out. He's not exactly getting better, but it's nice that he does have goodish days.
My computer guy came over that evening and put a DVD burner in this computer. But, of course I can't get the damn thing to work. The guy I bought it from will be over later today to figure it out. If he does get it to work, I'll be up late getting all the stuff burned because tomorrow, I'm either going to the doc who did the operation or back to work.
I've been having trouble with a jumping muscle lately and after some online research found that it most likely a result of the lidocaine he used for the operation. Seems there's not much to do except wait it out. It is most annoying, but no more than that. And a small price to pay for getting rid of those toe joints. It's also nice to know the cause. I do love the interweb.
Today, the plan is to go and exchange a check that I made out wrong, the do some grocery and paint shopping. We finally got the flower shop's vespa fixed, and I made out the check to wrong garage (they changed their name didn't they?) So as they are across from my grocery store, I'll kill two birds with one stone. I'd rather buy the paint in town, but there are stairs to that store, so, I'll just go the store I can get into on Harley. There oughta be a law;wait a minute, there is! But no one can be bothered to enforce it!
I got home early feeling tired and happy that Yaacov felt good enough to go out. He's not exactly getting better, but it's nice that he does have goodish days.
My computer guy came over that evening and put a DVD burner in this computer. But, of course I can't get the damn thing to work. The guy I bought it from will be over later today to figure it out. If he does get it to work, I'll be up late getting all the stuff burned because tomorrow, I'm either going to the doc who did the operation or back to work.
I've been having trouble with a jumping muscle lately and after some online research found that it most likely a result of the lidocaine he used for the operation. Seems there's not much to do except wait it out. It is most annoying, but no more than that. And a small price to pay for getting rid of those toe joints. It's also nice to know the cause. I do love the interweb.
Today, the plan is to go and exchange a check that I made out wrong, the do some grocery and paint shopping. We finally got the flower shop's vespa fixed, and I made out the check to wrong garage (they changed their name didn't they?) So as they are across from my grocery store, I'll kill two birds with one stone. I'd rather buy the paint in town, but there are stairs to that store, so, I'll just go the store I can get into on Harley. There oughta be a law;wait a minute, there is! But no one can be bothered to enforce it!
Sunday, March 04, 2007
I think that maybe, just possibly, my toes are almost all better. If not, they are very close to it. My Stay At Home Until They Are Better Plan seems to have worked. I'm taking them to the clinic to find out shortly. If not, I'll take them to the sawbones to let him pass judgment. I think I've figured out what's wrong with my right hip. It's been killing me for a month or so and last night I tossed all the pillowage from the bed, and just used my 'special pillows' and the pain went away as if by magic. I had been being lazy and leaving the mountain in place which would cause all the bone alignments to get out of place. How stupid. It's so easy to just toss them aside. I actually slept quite well and woke up to much less pain.
The noise should come to an end today. Every year at this time parents take great joy in buying their kids caps and other dangerous, noisy, illegal things for them to take outside and make everyone's lives miserable. It's called Purim and every year I hope the kids will lose, at the least fingers, and faces. It happens to kids every year that somewhere in the country they get hurt. Sorry, but they deserve to get hurt if their parents are so stupid as to encourage them to use the caps and things. Right. They've already started and it's only 0715. Today *is* the last day. This year in Haifa the cops patrolled and caught the kids who were using them, but I live in a lawless town, so no one bothers complaining. It really is too much at times. Some of the caps are really loud and some people actually think they are gun fire or katyushas. Just what we need up here. The upstairs neighbor's grandkids were setting them off in the stairway outside my unused door which made poor Pegasus bark and howl. That's why they did it. The parents and grandparents thought it was funny and didn't do a thing to stop them. That shouldn't come as a surprise considering that the parents are part of the lawless crowd at City Hall. Oh, well, today is the last day. YES! They just said on the news that some kids are in ICU from it, but we didn't hear where. It wasn't the kids here. Sorry, but they deserve it. There should be consequences to letting kids play with dangerous things. Not that it will cause anyone to even think twice about it next year. At least it's almost over for this year.
The noise should come to an end today. Every year at this time parents take great joy in buying their kids caps and other dangerous, noisy, illegal things for them to take outside and make everyone's lives miserable. It's called Purim and every year I hope the kids will lose, at the least fingers, and faces. It happens to kids every year that somewhere in the country they get hurt. Sorry, but they deserve to get hurt if their parents are so stupid as to encourage them to use the caps and things. Right. They've already started and it's only 0715. Today *is* the last day. This year in Haifa the cops patrolled and caught the kids who were using them, but I live in a lawless town, so no one bothers complaining. It really is too much at times. Some of the caps are really loud and some people actually think they are gun fire or katyushas. Just what we need up here. The upstairs neighbor's grandkids were setting them off in the stairway outside my unused door which made poor Pegasus bark and howl. That's why they did it. The parents and grandparents thought it was funny and didn't do a thing to stop them. That shouldn't come as a surprise considering that the parents are part of the lawless crowd at City Hall. Oh, well, today is the last day. YES! They just said on the news that some kids are in ICU from it, but we didn't hear where. It wasn't the kids here. Sorry, but they deserve it. There should be consequences to letting kids play with dangerous things. Not that it will cause anyone to even think twice about it next year. At least it's almost over for this year.
Friday, March 02, 2007
Or should I say, partial victory? Or maybe one down, one to go? The printer is finally working! And it's fast. I think I'm going to like this printer. I have some photo paper around somewhere, so I'll try printing the pictures of the Beach Ball. But the DVD thingie isn't. Seems neither of my computers has a DVD burner and both are supposed to. I'll get one today. But the printer is working and I have the incriminating evidence against the 'other woman' all printed out for Lavana. Also learned that saving the file to Excel doesn't really work. It didn't print out the really incriminating calls, so I just printed it from the site and got the goods. Oh, this is going to be fun!
My infected toe is much better now and I've decided no more charging around outside until it is all better. The cold is really not good for it. Today I'm only only going out to get the bandage changed, give Lavana the evidence, and pick up a DVD burner, then home to pamper the toe. I might pick up a book or two, but I'll decide that later.
There was a grisly murder just out of town day before yesterday. A local guy was lured out of town and viciously murdered by some members of a notorious drug family from a village not far from here. It's odd how people react to things like that. Kids are allowed to play with caps (illegal) but mothers were telling them to stay close to home. It's not like caps are illegal enough to cause the murdering gang to go after their kids (I might) but people are nervous non the less. Odd how people's minds work.
My infected toe is much better now and I've decided no more charging around outside until it is all better. The cold is really not good for it. Today I'm only only going out to get the bandage changed, give Lavana the evidence, and pick up a DVD burner, then home to pamper the toe. I might pick up a book or two, but I'll decide that later.
There was a grisly murder just out of town day before yesterday. A local guy was lured out of town and viciously murdered by some members of a notorious drug family from a village not far from here. It's odd how people react to things like that. Kids are allowed to play with caps (illegal) but mothers were telling them to stay close to home. It's not like caps are illegal enough to cause the murdering gang to go after their kids (I might) but people are nervous non the less. Odd how people's minds work.
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