Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Not quite yet, but the day is coming when 'Spike' will be an appropriate nickname for me! I had two teeth yanked yesterday. The first one came right out, but the second one was obviously very much at home where it was and was ready to fight for it's homsteading rights in my mouth. In the end, it was evicted along with all three roots, one of which tried to hide but was finally found and removed. I go back in 10 days to get the stitches taken out of the lower crater. The drive home had it's moments. Only the lower excavation site was sewn up, the upper one was left as is. It, of course started bleeding on the way home. The solution to that was to stuff a KFC napkin in (the chicken tastes a lot better than the napkins) but that was all we had. I spent a fair amount of the time on the road wondering what happens to swallowed blood. I was specifically told not to spit anything out, so obeyed instructions and swallowed. There were a fair number of broken off teeth pieces that went down too. Does that mean my stomach will grow teeth and I'll be able to just bypass all that chewing and let my stomach do the work? If so, why am I getting my teeth done to start with? Must remember to ask the dentist next time I go! On the up side, there's no pain from the site of the Big Dig this morning, just a little swelling in the lower jaw area.
Today is Take Yaacov To Haifa Day, so I'd better get a move on. Got stuff to do at the bank before anything else. At last, things are good enough to be able to reduce the credit limits on the door store account and do a major clean up in my account, as in pay off all the personal credit cards! It would be even better if the government would keep it's word and pay up on the rest of the damages. They'll get around to it one of these days.

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