Wednesday, October 25, 2006


I can't get poor Itz (my ex) out of my head. Every time I think of him, and that's most of the time these days I get a little frisson of fear in the pit of my stomach. That is such a not good feeling. It always means something really bad is going to happen to happen to the person I'm thinking of when that happens.
I wasn't surprised at all when Aron told me the bad news. It was almost as if I was expecting it. I'd been thinking of Itz on and off for a month or so for absolutely no reason at all. He was just there in my head and that is not at all usual. Then, BANG, Aron told me he has cancer of the pancreas. Right now there's not a damn thing I can do about it except worry from this far away.
I'm way too tired right now to make much sense about this and thoughts are just chasing themselves around my head and driving me wild.

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