Thursday, November 01, 2007


A little over a month ago I started feeing a little *fuzzy* and thought it might be a good idea to get my "good" carotid artery checked. I had the test on the 12th and got partial results results yesterday. It's pretty much what I thought it would be-not good. Now I'm trying to find a decent vascular surgeon because I most likely need a 'brain by pass'. There are two major problems looming. The first is that my doctor of choice was in a traffic accident and no one knows when he'll be back at work. The second is that even if he comes back to work it won't be before Nov. 29 in Maalot of all places. And worse yet, if I do get to see him, I only have part of the results. The important part-the pictures are not sent with the written report because the idiot quack who runs the place that does the tests refuses to release them to the patient if there is significant pathology. I spent the whole day fighting with them and have authorized Dem Der Mainiac to sue them if anything happens because of that. Docs do not like partial results. They like to see for themselves the whole thing. That idiot egomaniac doctor doesn't realize that as I am not in the health plan he works for, he will not be going the surgery. He will be getting sued if I don't get those tests. I could do the test again again at another place that sends the complete results but it will mean a delay of at least 3 weeks and there's a good chance I'll find another doctor by then. Waiting is not a good idea at this point.
I just want it done and over with. It's a dangerous operation, but not having it is even more dangerous. Of course the aggro over the missing part of the results is really not helping at all.
On a much brighter note, I had a call from my insurance company and they offered me 2,000 for the injuries I got in the car crash when a perfectly good Citroen was turned into a Cit'ruin'. Imagine that! They want to give me money for being my favorite color for a month. Or maybe in compensation for the lovely purple turning ugly yellow green? Whatever. They are giving me money. How cool is that?
Right. Back to battlefield.

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