Friday, November 16, 2007


It's not exactly news to my three faithful readers that I've been having serious toubles with my bank account. I'm not quite sure how it happened, but they seem to be over for now. I've been sweating a check that has to be paid today and I was pretty sure there would be trouble with it. My solution to that was to get a copy of the release I signed for the insurance company to pay me 2,000 for being purple for two months. As it turned out, I'm just fine at the bank. Getting rid of all those monthly payments for the flower shop and Orna helped a lot. In fact, I'm pretty sure that's the reason for it. There's even enough to take out a little today.
I did it! I clawed my way out what could have been disastrous and an even bigger stress factory. I'm out of the Sagron family clutches! I'm chuffed to put it mildly.
And just to make things even better, Child Genius was here yesterday for a short visit and he changed that pesky light bulb in the ptopeler AND fixed my e mail! I'm now happily back at Thunderbird and off my server's webmail. Happy gimp. Smiling Gimp.

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