Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Yesterday I ended up staying in all day and spent way too much time at the computer. That was a really bad idea as the wheely I have in here is uncomfortable in the extreme. I will get a new chair today no matter what. Something wonderful happened one of the times I went to the loo. When sitting down, there was a cracking noise in my right hip (like when you crack your knuckles) and when I got up it hurt a lot less to walk. It's still better this morning. Not pain free, mind you, but better. I can stand walking on it now. So, yeah, that can wait until I find out whether I survive the rotorooter or not.
I'm feeling a lot better about it today. Dem Der and a few other friends have really helped me get my head around it.
I "got" Dem Der yesterday. I asked very meekly if I could 'take advantage' of him, and after he stopped stopped sputtering, asked what I had in mind. All I wanted was a refill of my water bottle which he promptly refilled.
At some point he decided to go out for some fresh air and to replace the only can opener I could use that he broke. I told him that I've had a desperate craving for spaghetti lately so he got some ground beef and made a nice sauce. I thought for a while that he wouldn't survive the process as he kept asking if I like it this way or that way, with this or the other ingredient. I was on the verge of losing it with him, but made do with a mild roar to just make it already. He did and it was great. Sheesh, why couldn't he just make it without all those questions. Ok, ok, he just wanted to to be the way I like it. But it's spaghetti sauce, not rocket science. Poor guy gets really annoyed with me when I get up to fetch something rather than ask him to do it. He can't quite understand that I've lived alone for so long that I'm used to doing for myself and will have to again when he leaves. Yesterday when I got up to go to the loo he asked if he do whatever it was I was going to do for me. Even he laughed when I told him that I rather doubted he could go pee for me, but he was welcome to try!
Just this minute got some wonderful news. Yefim, New Harley Too's mechanic is on his was here to make a few adjustments and change the tires over to the old solid ones. I want those tires on because even if the ride is a little harder they can't get a flat. One less thing to worry about and a guy in town is interested in buying Harley Too from me and I want the solid tires. He can have the rest with the new tiresfrom New Harley Too for the right price. He'll be my first stop when I go into town after Yafim sorts the stuff. I just love it when the day starts with something good. That's actually two good things this morning, but then I was never much good at arthmetic! Less pain in right leg and Yefim.

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