Friday, July 08, 2005


Last night while I was merrily looking up useless stuff on the www while keeping an eye on London via Sky News, Orna brought my weekly supply of Eggplant delicacies over and informed that the a Council meeting was convened in Orly and Haim's yard and that my presence was wanted. I sent Peg into his room, grabbed a pack of fags, a beer and my keys and headed off to the meeting. Danny, Orna, Orly, Haim,Shimon, Natan, and 2 of Orna and Danny's daughters' were there. I know Orly and Haim from around, but never spent an evening with them. It was great fun and I was allowed to expound on my favorite subjects.
They are heading for the Jordan River tomorrow and want to me to go out there too. Sounds like a plan. Harley Too can do it no sweat as the road is flat. The only trouble is that my crutch broke and they didn't have one at the pharmacy, so getting around there could be dodgy at best. I'm sure I'll manage. I do so many things that are supposedly impossible for one in my condition, that I'm not too concerned.
Today I got up in the middle of the night (0700) and went racing out of here in time to get to the newspaper shop (they weren't in yet) and to the clinic by 0800. The cutter who is treating my ankle says it's better and to continue with the ointment and bandages. It *is* better, but still hurts and I'm concerned about it becoming chronic because there's not much that can be done to fix the cause-dropfoot. The good news is that my sawbones will be back on Thursday and *him* I trust.
After seeing the cutter I went back to the newspaper shop but the locals still hadn't arrived and there were lots of Russians who can't even read them waiting for the papers to get there. I pulled in and had a fag until they came in. Then to the grocery shop to pick up a few things where I discovered that my change pouch was AWOL. I told the cashier to put the stuff aside and went to the ATM. By the time I got back, they'd taken my stuff back from whence it came, so I had to get it again.
A Team started at 1200 and there were 2 of my favorite episodes-Pros And Cons and Bad Day at black Rock. Good mindless fun. After 3 A Team episodes, I came here to catch up on e mails and posts to my blogs. There's not much going on and I still haven't finished the papers, so I think I'll go do that until Top Gear starts at 1800, after which it will be time to go to Orna and Danny's for dindins.

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