Wednesday, July 20, 2005


The closest meaning I can come up with for Hafla is a mix of party and celebration. We are having a Hafla tonight for Eema Rivka, David and his sister who are coming North today. I already have most of what we need. Orna was supposed to come early and help me get Gimp House ready. It's 0830 already and she still hasn't arrived. I still have stuff to get and I really don't to leave until things are ready here. I really want to get out and back before it gets too hot. it's supposed to be pushing 100 yet again today. I'd much rather stay in, but I need tabouli and beer, and a few other things. The meat is pretty much taken care of. I also have to copy all the stuff stuck on my old computer desk before the second hand guy hauls it off along with a bunch of other junk in the guest/spare room. It would also be nice to clear off the new table. Like mother like daughter; our dining room table always had odds and sods on it, as does mine. Mine has a dictionary or two and a few medical reference books, a bill or two or two or three or four and assorted telephone gear. I think I'll go stash it all, then yell for Orna before it gets too hot. I'm already on the verge of turning on the a/c but Peg is outside and the door is open. No matter, it's time to get a move on.

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