Saturday, July 16, 2005


I have the oddest thoughts at the oddest times. Yesterday it hit me that, I raced through the first part of my life because somehow, deep down, I knew that last part would be lived at a much slower pace. Looking back, there is some evidence of this. As far back as 1972 when I designed and built that house in Topsham there must have been a little voice guiding me. I designed the perfect house for wheelchair use. That house indeed ended up as a home for someone in a chair, and I ended up in a chair as well. The fact that I'm no longer there to live in the house is not relevant. Somehow I knew.
I read somewhere that there are two (maybe more, but only these two are relevant) kinds of people. Those who choose a path and stick to it, and those who try many things. at this stage, I'm not sure those are mutually exclusive. Choosing a path of many trials and sticking to it is pretty much what I have done so far. Not for me the same nine to five daily grind. I've tried so many jobs, and had no trouble changing them as and when they were no longer interesting. Of course that drives the nine to fivers like my father mad. The nine to fivers can not understand how we adventurers can trade security for diversity. Maybe it's just confidence that no matter what we'll land on feet, or lacking functioning feet, in a 4 wheeler. The very thought of staying in the same job for years makes me ill. In fact, the only job I'd like to go back to is the last one I had, night manager of the hotel at Cfar Giladi.
There was a comforting sameness about it, while, every night was different. I loved that job and still miss it. It indulged my night owlness and my taste for variety. Every night indeed brought something new to deal with, from the dead tourist to the sex maniac, to terrorists on the lose to the politicians, and the large groups, to the media, and the cast of a play, to the various employees of firms that stayed there, and the property damage evaluators who basically lived there during Grapes Of Wrath when katyushas fell like rain. Never a dull night.
I learned a lot about myself from the other jobs I had before finding that job. Some I was good at, some I was crap at, but I wouldn't change a minute of any of them for long term job security with any of them, except maybe the last one.
I can say at this point, that I am quite happy about my life to date, even though there are things I might like to go back and change, but on the whole, it's been pretty good so far and I'm looking forward to more adventures.

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