
I wonder how long it will take to stop crying. My beloved Ragamuffin, who has been with me since 1992 had to be put down today. She got fed some poison, (most likely by one of my idiot neighbors) and didn't respond to anything the doggy doc did when he got here. I decided that it would be better for her to just let go. The hardest thing I've ever had to do. I loved being her human, I loved her. She was a wee bundle of pure love. She didn't care that I was completely nuts, she just loved me and wanted to with me all the time, no matter what. The one, albeit very small comfort, was that I got to hug her, kiss her, tell her how much I loved her, and say goodbye before she got her last shot. She was so far gone that she didn't even react, which got a storm of weeping from me. Doggy doc took her inside at that point and gave her the shot. He actually thought he was going to take her away in a supermarket poly bag. No supermarket bag for my Amuffin. She went in a purple trash bag, not as trash but as greatly loved and respected part of me.
It's just Peg and me now. Poor Pegasus, he's wandering back and forth looking for her. He's going to miss her as much as I already do. Teadrinker keeps telling me that I should be happy we had such a great life together, but knowing that just makes it harder.
Even worse is that as I'm not talking with Irit, there's no comfort there. It's just me, the computer, and Peg. I knew it would be hard, but not how hard. If I don't get a grip and stop crying, I'm going to short out the keyboard. I must find something physical to do. I think I'll print out Muffy's pic, put it in an envelope with the other pics I have for Teadrinker and scoot into town to drop in the mailbox, then, wash the floor. I have just enough time to do that before I have to be in Turin (via Eurosport) for the next event.
Ragamuffin, I loved you, I love you still, and hope will be happy wherever you are.
Oh Franne,
Dear Franne, I'm so very sorry to hear about Ragamuffin. I've just caught up with your blogg site and it was a shock to read. Ragamuffin's name was on the the Christmas card you sent! The poor little guy. But at least he was lucky to have a very loving keeper in you. Take care. Susy (DM)
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