Tuesday, August 28, 2007


I don't think I've ever been so insulted in my life. Sharon, the guy who owns the store next to Lavana actually had the nerve to insult me to my back yesterday. I was on Harley Too inside the flower store. He came up behind me and said that my hair reminds him of Bill Clinton's. He's lucky to be alive after that. After I growled that Clinton should be so lucky to have hair like mine I tore strips off him for daring to compare by beautiful streaked gray hair to Slick's. Just having us in the same sentence was enough to set me off. Poor Sharon now knows why I was so insulted by what he meant as a compliment. He got chapter and verse on why both Clintons are beneath contempt.
I was already in a rage to start with. I'd gotten an e mail from my son telling me that they'd gone to visit the Wicked Step Mother Of Evility and that she'd given them things that had belonged to MY mother and grandmother. How dare she? It's not enough that she swindled my brother and me out of a major part of our inheritance by getting Dad to sign a new trust agreement and will while he was suffering from the aftermath of hip surgery, and filing a completely wrong inventory of his estate with the probate court in an effort to deceive us, now she's giving things that by any logic (and were not included in the fraudulent inventory) should be mine, or my brother's to someone else. The up side is that she gave them to him. I would have left them to him in any case or to my brother. The up side of that is that my son's sister didn't get her greedy hands on them. If I despised her(the Wicked Stepmother of Evility) before, it's nothing compared to what I feel about her now. Had she given those things to Irit, I would have swum over there and strangled her myself, and enjoyed every minute of it. Just the thought of feeling her scrawny neck between my hands is comforting.
I was on my way to get some forms from the phone company and saw my insurance agent who told me that he had a check for me from the insurance company. Of course I flew up to his office and got there just as he did even though I had to go the long way on Harley, and took the check straight to the bank to cash it. The difference between compulsory insurance for the jeep and Focus came just as I was getting hysterical about not having enough dosh to buy cigarettes to get through until today when our benefits are paid. Talk about the nick of time. Now I'm ok with cigarettes for a whole week! And I'll be able to fill the car later today.
I finally got a dose of sense and cancelled the automatic payments on the utilities for the flower store. When I told Lavana I was going to she had the nerve to tell me that she told me to do that ages ago. She didn't and I didn't do it because I'm liable for the payments in any event and don't trust her to keep them up to date. She's going to have to pay me back for the ones I've already made from the holiday business in two weeks.
She simply refuses to understand that a business that doesn't take in enough to pay one monthly utility bill, never mind the rent has no business opening it's door in the morning and is looking for anyway she can find to keep it going. The excuses she gives are just not right. The business is not failing because she doesn't have the right things to sell or because the phone number wasn't in the local phone book. Or for any of the many other excuses she can come up with. I'm just thankful that I'll be out of it on the 19th of next month and will be able to put the whole disastrous excursion into the hell that was being sucked in by those two behind me and start climbing out of that bottomless pit.
For some reason I'm feeling quite chipper this morning. I don't know why, but I am going to try and keep the feeling going for as long as I can today. It's been a long time since I've felt this cheerful and I don't really care that I don't know the reason, if there is one. I'm just thankful that I'm feeling this good!


Anonymous said...

I'm sure he didn't mean to hurt you… take it easy, people can be sometimes very insensitive

Purplegimp said...

Yes, Din, and sometimes *I* am one those sensitive people. Sharon and I mix it up often enough. aside from which that part of the post was as close as I can get to humor these days.
The Wicked Step thing really got me going, so just about anything would have set me off. At least he got a lesson in American politics.