Monday, August 06, 2007


As planned Rivkah and I left late Saturday night and missed all the traffic. We got to her place at around 0100 and fell into bed. I was on the road to Jerusalem at 0640 and got to the right place (Prime Ministers office) by 0745. It was kind of like a school reunion and we set up right at the gates to the entrance of Olmert's office. The cops were out in force to augment the usual shoo shoo types who guard the place. Until I showed up they were letting demonstrators in to use the bathroom with armed escorts. The minute I showed up in a dress no less, they stopped that. I amazed that their memory was that good; maybe they have a list. Back in '99 I took over the Finance Ministry building by threatening to pee on guard's feet if he didn't let me in. He let me in and I refused to come out. The rest came in to join me and the building was ours. I guess they weren't taking any chances with the PM's building. By around 1400 I needed more water and the 16 liter and a half bottles I'd brought for the demo were long gone, so somehow I managed to get to my car (more on that at A Gimp's View) and left for home at 1500. The city was one giant traffic jam because the demonstrators blocked the main entrance/ exit to Jerusalem. It took over an hour and a half to get out and I was home at 2006, just in time to watch the news. Striar called to ask what I was wearing, and said that he saw me on the TV. By the time the main news started they had the road block footage and went with that. I was asleep by 2200. Things were only partially solved by last night so I might be going back for a much bigger demonstration soon. I hope things don't get to that point, but they probably will. That's what happens when the government is nothing more than a bunch of thugs. If they thing the '99 demonstration was wild, they ain't seen nothing yet. And you'd better believe I'm up for it.
And now for an update at A Gimp's View.

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