Monday, January 15, 2007


We are now wireless here at Gimp House. There's a bit of a glitch with out going mail, but as they are coming back today to sort the TV thing, I'm not too concerned. The other computer sends just fine, so, when/if I get out of bed, I'll just send from there.
I just had to go to the clinic for an EKG didn't I? They kind of wanted it before the operation. There are sick people at the clinic. Grrrr. I picked something up there on Friday and I'm staying home in the hope of getting over it by Thursday. I went back to the clinic to get some cough syrup, and was the first one in, and flew out real fast, got the syrup and went to the door store. Shmaryah took one look and said home to bed. I said, "yeah yeah, soon" Then Lavana called to ask if I could flower shop sit while she made a delivery. So, I sat there for a few minutes, and dragged my sorry body home to wait for the computer guys to come and finish the wireless installation. It's really cool to be able to sit in bed with the lap top. It will be even cooler when I'll be able to save and burn the recorded the stuff from the TIVO. A project for after the operation! As the DVD is installed on the sofa, I'll be able to watch a few DVDs here too. Oh, I do like computers, I do.
You'd think that hospital employees would know how to talk with cripples, right? Well, they don't! Imagine what went on yesterday when I went for the meeting with the anesthesiologist. Me in wheely, Orna pushing. The clerk turned to Orna even though I had the papers and had told her that I had an appointment with the doc. She asked Orna what my ID number is. *I* shy retiring type that I am, piped up with, "My legs don't work so good, but my mind and mouth are just fine." Our genius clerk kept asking Orna the questions and I answered them. She didn't get it. The inquisition by the doc was similar and I pretty much blew him away with my knowlwge of what's wrong with me and why there could be a problem with the anesthesia. My response to his comment was along the lines of "It's my body and if I don't keep up with what's going on with it, who will?" In the end I explained exactly what he has to do and why. Then, off to the nurse who was a bit better but with a gazillion more questions among them, "Do you remember your phone number?" and "What did you during the war?" Well, yeaah, I know my own phone number and Shmaryah's too. She wanted a contact number in case they kill me during the operation! The second question was just curiosity and when I told her what I did (stayed at home) she was a bit impressed. Orna, of course added her bit to the story, and I came out sounding like some kind of hero or something. We were still with the nurse when I discovered that they got my name wrong. Family name -Franne. First name Ilana. That's just not on, so, back to the clerk for her to change it. Next stop; the admitting office to be sure the voucher covers everything. Of course it doesn't. Dr. Sawbones wants me there for 3 nights. I promised to consider staying 1 night. Consider, not neccessarily stay. The voucher didn't include even one night so she aid she'd fix it. I won't be at all upset if they don't approve even the one night. I'm for sure not staying there three nights. That just isn't going to happen.


Anonymous said...

SO the health service is not safe from you or you aren't safe from the health service? Either way I'm putting my money on you winning the war!!! Go give em hell lady lady!
Cab the Cab of Cab land

Purplegimp said...

Many bewildered people wonder if ANYTHING is safe from me. I have never yet stayed in hospital for as long as the docs though I should. Why ruin a good record this time? I'll be out and back home on Friday at the latest!