Wednesday, December 08, 2004


I don't scare easily. Hey! I live in Kiryat Shemonah for crying out loud, and regulary use the intercity buses, but, yesterday, I was a bit freaked out when I saw that someone from an anti conservative blog had been here. After sleeping on it, I realized that the poor guy hadn't had an original though in his life and his vocabulary is limited to Liberalish. His favorite word is neocon and I wonder if he even knows what it means and where it came from. Neocon is short for 'new conservative' which is totally a Liberalish concept. It's used as a derogatory term for conservatives, which leads me to wonder how long one has to be a conservative to lose the prefix 'neo' Obviously I have almost as much contempt for *born into it and never questioned it* conservatives as I do for those whose favorite word is neocon and use it for everyone who is not a liberal. I just don't know about those people. I've mentioned several times that it annoys me when bloggers just reprint articles they agree with rather than make the effort to take the general premise and explain why they agree with it. I *have* used selected portions of articles to support things I've written, usually after I wrote it. But never have I just reprinted an article and let it stand as my opinion. Intellectual laziness, or inability to think independently? Only they know, but I have my suspicions. A trained parrot could get the message across in a more entertaining way.
I don't mind at all that those of other opinions read my blog, it *is* in the public domain, after all, and it just might start someone on the road to independent thinking. Everyone is welcome to read the twisted meaderings of my damaged mind.(got the CT and MRI scans to prove it!)
It stuck me last night how similar in sound (and possibly meaning) are the Russian word Czar and the Hebrew word for minister- Sar שר. Of course my dictionary-the Hebrew one doesn't go into the etymology of words beyond the root. I must remember to ask one of the many teachers I know, who just might know, or maybe Achy.
Yafit is busy washing the floor after doing the mountain of dishes and turning the stove around. The fridge door now opens all way! See? I really am smarter than I look. Yafit was amazed that it actually worked. Sooooo, I really don't have to go the 'built in' route. I've also decided to keep the dog's food and water in the loo. Peg is back in dog bog for trying to escape while I was leaving to get the turkey. I caught his tail just as he was about to squeeze out of the broken lower glass part of the screen door. Ooops. Yafit is almost finished, and I should be able to get the turkey in the oven by 15:00.

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