Saturday, December 11, 2004


Why is it that I always get lost in the item of the moment and what I had planned to do remains undone? Of course, in the end it does get done. What brought this on? Nothing earth shattering, that's for sure! I've been looking for a scrabble download that I wouldn't have to pay for, not because I'm cheap, but because I don't have a card that works outside of the country. Today, the solution hit me. KazAa Lite! A good 3 hours after downloading KazAa,which took over an hour to find, I finally had Scrabble, and could not stifle the urge to play. The original plan was to play until the news came on, and hopefully to exercise enough willpower to stop and get today's post written. No such luck. I just kept playing. The psychic of the universe struck again today, this time in the form Joel who brought up the subject of movie remakes. Poor man, it earned him quite a tirade. I've been pondering the subject for several days now. I do not understand how the high mucky mucks in Hollywould can be so egotistical and incredible stupid as to think that they can take a great movie and improve it. They can't, as has been proven time after time. At least a few haven't been totally twisted like the new Harvey with Harry Anderson (it would have been better with Dwight Schultz) but at least H.A. didn't ruin it. James Stewart WAS much better. The new Bye Bye Birdie stinks in comparison to the original with Ann Margaret and Dick Van Dyke. They changed too much and ruined it for me. The all new updated Charlies Angels also stinks as does the Starsky & Hutch remake. And while I'm on the subject, there's Galactica with Starbuck as a woman. Really. And now it seems Cannel is threatening to do a new A Team movie and his remarks about prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he had no idea what the original was about. Why can't they just leave well enough alone. If they MUST meddle why can't they leave it at just adding color to old Black and White? I have NEVER seen a remake that comes close to the original. Are there no original ideas out there in Tinseltown? Oh, yeah, not to forget Alexander the Gay. Huhn? That wasn't covered in any history book I ever read. Have they lost their minds? That's just TOO much. Starbuck's a girl and Alexander's gay? What next?
Irit managed to infuriate me yet again today. Last week she said I could go visit them tomorrow. I told her maybe, and in any case I can't leave until after 09:00 because of dark Matters. She called today and asked what's up. She said they are going someplace in the afternoon and I'll have to leave early. Does she really think that I'm going to go though all the performance of getting on a bus, going there, then turn around and go home again? Seems she does. But, I'm not. Looks like it will be a good long time before I see that kid. She is not going to play Pat Tal with me. I have a life too and her brat's iron clad schedule is not my problem. I'm not young, and I'm in a wheelchair to boot. Just who does she think she is? If/when I get a car........we'll see. But for now, if she can't make the effort, f***k her and the kid. She bitches that they are staying here only until I kick off. Yeah, well, when my mother had cancer, I postponed my plans and moved closer to her so she could see the kids the easily. How things change and I NEVER made her feel that I was just waiting for her to go, never mind said it to her face. Am I feeling hurt? Damn right I am.
Looks like it's time to set the cellphone alarm and settle in for Sue Thomas F.B.Eye. I like that show, which reminds me of another mini topic.
There's been a lot of liberal talk about the moral principles crowd and their TV viewing habits. They seem to think that watching *immoral* shows is hypocritical. Well, it isn't and they don't necessarily watch for prurient reasons. The fact that I watch CSI and NCIS and Law and Order doesn't mean that I have criminal tendencies. In fact, if anything, it influences in rather the opposite direction. There's not much those liberals won't say to try to keep on the moral high ground, no matter how stupid.

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