Saturday, November 18, 2006


We had several power outages this morning. I reset the TV at least 4 times and no sooner did I get it reset than it went out again. I watched a few A Team episodes from the last season and at 1100 decided to get up, take Peg out and fire up the old computer. It (the computer) is still up to it's old tricks-the ones that supposedly had been fixed, but obviously weren't. I'll have to talk to the guy tomorrow. I also want him to sort the TV card so I can burn stuff from the TIVO. With any luck a new run of A Team should be starting soon and when it does, I'll be able to get all the episodes on disk from the TIVO and forget about the VCR tapes. That will be nice. I might even put the new printer up, maybe. I'm not in much of a mood for playing with hardware today. I also should recycle the air conditioner in the back room. I keep missing the guy who installed the new one that refuses to work on heat.
I AM going to have a bit of a rant this week on the local editorial page about the parking situation in town. City Hall's coffers are empty but they could fill up real fast just by enforcing parking laws, and then, just the cars parked on sidewalks, never mind the red and white no parking zones. Of course if they enforced all the parking laws, they would soon be able to distribute a dividend to the local residents! It's beyond ridiculous that people in wheelchairs can't use sidewalks because a car is taking up the whole thing, and mothers with babies in strollers have to go down into the street to get by. That's just plain dangerous. Yup, I think I'll work on that letter today. It's really coming together in my mind. The only reason parking laws are not enforced now is that all the jerks who would get tickets would go running to the mayor to get them canceled, and he's such a wuss he'd cancel them. If they were enforced and violators made to pay up, things would change real fast and people would start parking legally instead of any place they damn well please. I think I'll go write that letter right after I rummage around this machine for my old A Team screen saver. Cannell took it off his site. Jerk. It's in here someplace and I will find it!

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