Sunday, November 12, 2006


And a few Grrrs for good measure.Firefox just isn't working right. All my bookmarks are lost and nothing I did yesterday helped. Talk about annoying. Of course, it had happen on Saturday, the day I watch all the TIVO shows and clean it up to leave room the next weeks recordings. Can't be in both places at the same time. I suppose I should be happy that one tech thing is working like it should, especially after all the trouble I had with it. It wouldn't be so bad if Firefox would save favorites, but it isn't even doing that now. if I can't figure it out in the next 5 minutes, I just might download Opera and give that a try.
I had planned to post about ex athlete gimps and pain, so, here goes.
Once upon a long time ago, I was a bit of an athlete, as in figure skater. Not Olympic level or any competition, but it was my passion. Still is, even though I can't skate any more. I used to skate for hours upon hours and only ever got injured once on the ice. Skates were more comfortable that shoes. I used to walk from home (7 miles) to town just to stay in shape, run up and down the stairs in the 16 story building in town and inflict other forms of torture on my body. All that leaves one with a pretty high pain thresh hold. So, if I say I'm hurting, I AM HURTING. All that abuse is what killed my knees, hips and back. The stroke didn't help any, but, had I not been in reasonable shape to start with, there's no way I'd be able to function through the pain even with the magic pills!
As the pain in my right foot is getting pretty bad these days, I am having the bad toes chopped soon. Better the post op pain which will go away than the constant pain every time I stand up. So, yeah, it's time to slice and dice those toes! But first, it's time to figure out what's wrong with my browser.

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