Monday, July 31, 2006

No, something is very wrong here, even more than usual.
No, Kofi Annan is the last person in the world with the right to tell us what to do. Not after his role in Rwanda and other African disasters, not to mention his part in the Oil for Food scandal with Iraq.
And NO, I am not convinced that we hit Kfar Kana again. The timing is suspect. 10 years to the day? We have admitted that we bombed in the area, but that was a good 8 hours before the building went down. Taking into account that the hizzbullies refused to let people leave the area and kept them there at gun point, it would not surprise me one little bit if they blew the building themselves. They have proven time after time that their own people are expendable. They shoot katyushas from mosques so that we'll bomb them and then, they can cry to the world about how awful we are. They did the same thing last time in the same place. There was even a tape of a UN officer begging them to move the launcher and of the hizzbully aiming his pistol at the UN guy. And who is shooting at purely civilian residential areas and hitting hospitals? The hospital in Safad took a direct hit as did the psychiatric hospital near Acco. No, we are not wrong to continue to root these terrorists out.
No, we are not the bad guys here.This one is too important to lose and if Bush is the only leader of the so called civilized world to understand this, it doesn't surprise me a bit.Not that The UN, the French and the rest surprise me. They don't understand that they are next. A more deserving group for the hizzbullie's tender mercies I can't think of.
We had close to 90 of their 'harmless' katyushas hit the city today. You'd think the town was one huge army base, but it isn't. We are a city of around 24,000 civilians, 60% of whom have left for safer areas of the country. The rest of us are sitting it out at home enduring non stop shelling, sleep deprivation and crippling boredom because we can't go out. Never mind the economic issues.Those katyushas fall like rain here and, yes, it's damn scary.
No, it can not go on much longer, we have to put an end to it.
Ok, I've had my rant, and it's time to take Peg walkies and try to get some sleep. It's quiet at the moment, but it won't last and the echoing of the shells is enough to wake even me up!

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