Saturday, July 22, 2006


Being the lazy gimp of the North, I didn't get much done yesterday. That not much did include washing the dishes, making a huge bowl of tuna salad, posting to both blogs when the interweb connection was good, watching hours of TV and thinking odd thoughts. The oddest of those thoughts is probably those about earthquakes and the constant bombardments up here. Artillery from us and Hizzbully missiles both cause the ground to shake, and as we sit smack dab on the Africa Syria fault I've been wondering if all this earth shaking will have any effect on the fault? I'm pretty sure there's no answer to that question now, but I do wonder. Not that I'm overly concerned about it at the moment. The war is of much more immediate concern. If we lose it, an earthquake really won't matter and we must win.
I'm starting to get restless again and am sort of planning a supply run to a large supermarket where they might have M&Ms. I'm out again and must resupply. If you are going to have an addiction, that's a reasonable one. The problem with it is that there is not one single store in town that sells them. The closest place is a kibbutz store about 30 miles from here and they only have the small bags. I'm going to call the importer tomorrow and ask him where I can fin the large bags without going all the way to Tel Aviv where I know they have them. It's not life and death, but, for me, it's a way to get my mind off the big stuff!
Another not exactly life and issue I'm obsessing about is the cable link to the interweb. It's still not good and just loves disconnecting at exactly the moment I want it. I might have a bit of a rant on that at the other blog later, after a nap.
Of course, I've managed to get myself back to a *night life* cycle. Night owlishness is not an easy affliction to live with unless you have a night job. I was in my element back when, but now I have to my natural inclination to night life and try to function in a world of "day livers" It's not fair. I'm just starting to wake up when everyone else is going to bed. It's just one more area where I'm out of step with rest of the world and I know it'll take weeks when this over to get back in step once this is over.
Poor Shmaryah came charging down here yesterday because I wasn't answering the cell phone. It was in the charger and he doesn't have the house number so he put himself in the car and came racing down. Bless him.
Someone stole the front plate from his car and that is not good. It means that whoever stole it can use the plate to go on the toll road on my account. I told him report to the cops because it can also be used by so called Palestinians to get over the green line. Not good. I hope he did. If not, I'll do it tomorrow. I'll also call the toll road people and let them know.
Ok, enough meandering nonsense for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have an M&M addiction?
I didn't know this. Which kind you like? Want me to send you some?
