Thursday, August 18, 2005


I am more than ready to tear my hair out by the roots. I took by poor four bolted toes to the clinic after swallowing the last pain killer, and settled into Ambush Position to wait for Dr. Sawbones. On the way into the clinic he proudly pulled a plier thing from his bag and brandishing it, asked if I'm ready. I must have been because he started pulling things out of my toes. I swear they were in there up to my knees! All I ever saw of them before was the little black stoppers on the ends of the wires to stop them from going in any more. It hurt less than taking the stitches out and then, he told be to get up and take a few steps. I WALKED BAREFOOT FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE 1998!!! Of course there was a trail of blood from the holes, but who cares? The barefoot kid from Maine is back. Dr. S put a light bandage on and told me to wait outside his examining room for 10 or so minutes to be sure there's no serious bleeding. There was none, so after 10 minutes of sitting with my back to the waiting room TV (news boycott, remember?) I was dismissed with orders tp return next Thursday for a look-see.
Dwight, Bless him posted to the DM list about the Gaza withdrawal and of course I jumped right in and went all history teacherish. I have no trouble talking about it, I simply refuse to watch it.
Bat Chen called and announced that she's supposed to be on the radio this afternoon. We went over the points she has to make, then, I went to set up the VCR as the TV card is still down. She didn't know which station, and it hasn't come on either TV yet, both are on different radio stations. I am blocking out the one with Gaza coverage. Sheesh, if she can't remember which station she's supposed to be on, there's not much I can do, is there?
No matter, I can go out tomorrow and TAT is up in an hour. AND I CAN WALK BAREFOOT or rather, I'll be able to as soon as the holes in my toes heal.
The title of this post refers to my anger and frustration at the nonstop coverage of the withdrawal. It's every place. It reminds me of the way our TV news people cover terror attacks. They repeat themselves for hours on end and show the same of loop of tape ad nauseum. After 10 minutes the viewer knows everything they know, so it's ok to go to another channel. No, this is worse. they are parading the pain of those brave patriots in the worst way possible. I WILL NOT WATCH IT. I know how they feel and will not contribute to the ratings of the stations that are doing this to them.

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