Monday, August 15, 2005


99 degrees is really too hot for me to go out in. I might change my mind tomorrow, as staying in because of something like that just isn't me. I must try to get through this without the a/c. It's too expensive to run these days. Electrickery rates have almost doubled since I had the a/c installed, but my income hasn't. I have to go out on Thursday anyway to get my bolts taken out, and it's time to sort the payment for Holland. I'm not sure how that will work out yet, as the Albilia thing is dragging on endlessly. One thing I do know, is that it will get sorted, and I will get my hands on the cash needed. I did absolutely nothing today except nap and watch TV and read a bit. At least the toes hurt less and I can quit those pain pills.
Maybe I should start harassing Striar the Liar again for the money he still owes me. Not that he'll pay it, but why should I be the only one suffering?
So far I'm doing just fine with my self imposed no news edict. I'm perfectly happy in my ignorance and feel no need to find out how the withdrawal is going. Too bad The Media wasn't banned from covering it, but, the humiliation must be public.

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