I've been promising/threatening Jeanie that I'd post my new remodeled left foot pretty much since I had the chop job done. In real life it's a lot more purple, and it's swollen today because I spent the day racing back and forth between home and the cell phone company.
I'm way too tired to go into detail now, but the short version is that they told me that my numbers had been given to a different customer and they refused to tell me who or even how it was done. Of course I charged home in 103 degree heat and raced back to show the guy that he's an idiot. My numbers were not only mine, they were working just fine. I'm not quite sure how I got out of that without another heart attack or stroke. The dunce couldn't tell me that the the numbers had been transferred to ME after the legal name change. Sheesh, and I asked him specifically if that could have happened. In short it was an insane hot day and I came home to the car alarm going off every few minutes. It finally shut up and I got to rest a bit.
The computer guy came and sorted the big one but I can't get the e mail configured. I'm too tired to mess with it now. I'll sort it tomorrow. I'm just thankful that I have the lap top.

Yo Purplegimp!! Is this the result of your waltz with the kaytusha? What a bummer!! I bet you still have a lot of pain especially when you try to walk.
Yo Boe!
Actually my left foot is a result of the stroke I had in 1998. I had 4 hammer toes to go along with drop foot. The big toe had one knuckle chopped off first, then the doc tried to straighten the other 4. That attempt failed spectacularly, so we decided to cut two knuckles off the 4 and one more off the big toe. Leaving one knuckle on each toe is what allows me to lurch around the house and those toes are the one part that doesn't hurt when I walk.
I love the way that foot looks now.
I'm the 6 toed wonder and keep pestering my manicurist for a discount because I only have 6 toes to do!
LOL! Just thinkingof what you told me the other night, you're right! HEH, Give me some time and I'l be ther to see them in person.
Jeanie, You really have to see it in person to get the effect of the obscene toe. This picture doesn't do it justice! And they are much more purple than you can see here.
I love those toes.
Wow. Granny, being a former nurse I am not squeamish. What a lovely pic.
It's so swollen do you have any feeling left in it?
Cell phone people are stupid as stupid goes. Never try arguing with them as they cannot understand basic logic. LOL.
It just seemed like a good idea to give fair warning in case some poor soul couldn't take a cut up foot!
The swelling has gone down a little. The crazy thing is that while I can't make the foot move it still has feeling which was mostly pain until I had the toes remodeled.
I still feel sorry for the guy at the cell phone place guy. If it hadn't so hot that day, it would have been funny.
As I just found a picture for Willi Beax, I think I'll post it and the whole sorry story of the cell phones!
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