Saturday, June 16, 2007


I really should get my bed cleared off. There is way too much stuff piled on the other side. It's a darn good thing that I don't move once I've fallen asleep. My room is so small there's not enough space to keep the things I want near closes to hand unless they occupy that side of the bed. It wouldn't be so annoying if the cell phone charger wire would quit connecting itself to my backside,if it would at least charge MY battery so I'd get up without all the morning stiffness. But alas, it just sticks itself there and does nothing except leave yet another sore spot.
I had an e mail from Aron yesterday saying that they got their gift and that they liked it. I sent them a clock that has 11 picture frames around the clock part. I fell in love with it when I saw it and just had to get one for them and another for myself. The baby should be here any day now and I am waiting anxiously to get the phone announcing The Beach Ball's arrival!
I am desperately trying to clear up some loose financial ends, but it's going too slow. Lavana's flower shop is doing less and less business every day and a fair part of my cleanup is left overs from that store. I'm slowly becoming resigned to the idea that I can write that money off too. My only hope is the police arresting that daughter of the guy who pulled the air conditioner stunt that I have a judgment against. It's entirely possible that there will be some movement on that very soon now that I've done the cops job for them and found where she's hiding behind yet a company. Am I the only person in this country who tries to pay debts? Sometimes it sure feels like it especially when people like them manage to get away with scamming people and no one much bothers to do much about it. Between them, they owe millions but just keep on bilking people with no consequences to themselves. They should both be in prison. Maybe, just maybe, I'll be the one to shut them down and send them there for a few years. It's possible. I know a lot more about them than they think I know. Time will tell and I'll just keep after them.


Unknown said...

Yo Miss Gimp
How in the world does a cell phone charger wire connect itself to one's backside?
There!! I warned you that i would harass you

Purplegimp said...

Harass away, that's what the charger wire is doing, so join the party!
Hang on a few more days and I'll post a picture of dem der bad motorcycle mossad just for you.