Tuesday, September 06, 2005


My mind (what's left of it, that is) has gone missing. I've been confusing myself over things that I KNOW. For instance, I really do know that Shabbat doesn't cancel Shiva, it just is a break. I know that, so it really doesn't matter if The Wicked One has the funeral on Thursday. One just continues Shiva from when Shabbat is over. I KNOW THIS. I also know that the only thing one does before the burial is to refrain from meat and wine. I KNOW THIS. The no meat and wine continues right through Shiva, this I also know, so why did the knowledge of things vanish when I needed them most. I CAN go out and do things until the funeral, so, I just got myself all worked about things I knew. In spite of all that, I do not, repeat, do not take back one word I've said about The Wicked One, and will most likely have a lot more to say about her, and if not saying, then I will be thinking very not nice things about her.
I took advantage of this between time to get my pneumonia shot, buy some fags and check out a thing or two with Nissim Malka, a local rabbi whose daughters I once taught and whose sister is a nurse at the clinic. Enough for one day. Tomorrow I'll go have a yell up at the bank and do a few other things. In about half an hour I'll be able to call Maine and not piss everyone off at me for waking them up. Quite enough for one day.

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