Monday, September 19, 2005


I'll probably be sorry for writing this, but, tough. I used to think that one can only know things they've been told, and that facts can't be assimilated by osmosis. I guess I wrong. My dearly beloved favorite ex decided that yesterday was the right time to set the record straight on a thing or two there was no way I could know, but maybe should have been able to guess. Used to be a rule of etiquette that saying bad things about the recently deceased was a no no, especially to those closest to the dearly departed. Now it seems that is no longer true.
I know The Philmore was difficult at the best of times, and I had just begun to make my peace with him, and forgive. I am still very much mourning, and sad that he's gone. I did not to hear chapter and verse on how the ex was taken to the cleaners by him less than two weeks after he died. "You should know the truth" said The Ex. Right, and The Truth helps me how? All it did was add to the sorrow. Had I known certain things back when they happened, I could have dealt with them then, but to be told those things years later accomplished nothing other than to make me wonder why NOW? I now have a whole new set of issues to resolve. Payback must be fun, and I probably deserve it, but couldn't it wait? Oh well, if it made The Ex feel better, so be it. The Philmore was what he was and I'm going to miss him, and try to keep focused on the good. If The Ex wants to tell the story his way, he can just start his own blog.

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