I'm afraid to say anything, but, the pressure sore is getting better. It's still a bit of a pain, but the sore is smaller and looks like it might be closing. I hope it closes quickly. I am well and truly tired of the pillow pyramid that keeps it off the mattress. Even the air mattress doesn't help much now, but it will be essential later.
I think I must have dozed off yesterday afternoon because I was awake until almost 0400, then, guess who woke me up at 0800 to ask if he should take Peg out? Grrrrr.
When I came to the computer last night the lower task bar was a mess and that drives me wild, so now there's a password and no one, but no one will be allowed to use it. When I informed him he tried to convince me that the blown curcuit breaker caused the mess, then, he asked about the lap top. Try explaining to a spoiled man that that the lap top is down and will stay that way until I can afford to fix it. This computer cost enough and I'm not going to let him or anyone else trash it. When things lighten up, I'll have my geek add some extra memory to the lap top, and when that's back, he take this one and add some more and get rid of the stuff in the virus vault. Gee, I wonder where that came from?
Yesterday he asked if I had sent him a particular e mail. I have sent him a few, so, while he was standing here, I looked through some of my sub files and he wanted to know why his e mail client doesn't do that. Duhn. he uses hot mail. I use Thunderbird. And I've been letting him use this computer.
He almost got a knife run through him yesterday. I was in the kitchen to make a sandwich and he parked himself at the entrance. I just put everything down and asked him if he wanted anything. He didn't, so I waited until he took the hint and went away. Who does he think he is, the food police?
Ach, enough. I'm not going to ruin a perfectly nice day with rants about him. He's gone off to Safed and I'M FREE.
I think I'll just take a swing through town and see what's up a little later, then try to sort a few more things on the computer.
LOL! Your stories of dem der get funnier all the time. What are you going to do without him for stories? Oh, I forgot you've got hundreds of other stories.
The view of Syria is great except there are people there and Assad. Too bad you can't snipe him off from there. Now that would be a feat up to the Gimp's imagination.
Yes, Well, I no sooner swore off posting about him, that I go and do it again.
Considering I had this blog long before he moved in, and I do more than enough off the walls things myself, I think I'll find enough to write about.
You can actually see Damn ass cuss from our side but I doubt Assad will stroll out of his palace with a bullseye on his forehead!
Is you talking about Dem Der?
Yo, Boe!
Of course I'm talking about Dem Der. I know I said I'd stop complaining about him unless he did something spectacular> I think this just barely qualifies.
Um, Boe,
I'm still pre coffee on a Saturday morning. I am talking about Dem Der in one part, but the one I doubt will walk out of his palace with a bulls eye on his forehead is our friend, the demoncratically elected leader for life of Syria, Basher Assad.
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