Thursday, February 28, 2008


Knowing that it's almost over didn't help much this morning. Dem Der was up early, took a shower and headed for Safed to get his benefits and the key to his flat. By the time I got up, there were three partly used soaps on the floor in the bathroom and a pair his underwear on the counter. This, after I made him take his accumulated underwear out of there yesterday. The next stop was the kitchen where I found chocolate mix spilled all over the microwave and little freezer. I also discovered an empty paper towel wrapper, empty potato sack, and some other odds and sods on the table. They all got crumpled up and tossed into his room. I could have screamed but, contented myself with muttering vile imprecations under my breath. IT'S ALMOST OVER. IT'S ALMOST OVER. IT'S ALMOST OVER. Just a few more days AND IT WILL BE OVER.

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