Tuesday, May 01, 2007


I might have made a little mistake on Saturday. I declared that summer is officially here. I might just have been a bit quick with that this year. Orna changed my bedding over to summer stuff, which has always announced summer. I also tuned the propeller on low. Word spreads quickly in this neighborhood. We had a couple of days in the high 70s, low 80s and a few warm nights when my duvet was too much. Now that everything is nicely changed over, it's gone cool me. Ok, so I missed by a week or so, big deal. It's not like I started wearing sleeveless sun dresses or anything. (ok, so I did today, but with a jacket!)
I just came in from a few more errands dealing with my leaving the door store. It's now official. I am no longer involved with Shmaryah's adultery. I also took back the cripple card that was in his car because it's legally mine. Now he can't park in wheely spaces any more.
I'm feeling really good that it's just about over. Next to go will be the flower shop. Much as I'd like to get out of that right away, I'm going to wait a while, mostly because I promised her. At least I'm not into it for anything. All I have is a bank account for that shop, no credit limit or anything. I did her to look for someone to take it over.
I hope she finds someone soon. I'm not going to carry it forever.
There's going to be a huge demonstration on Thursday against Olmert and I'm thinking of going. Haven't been to a good demonstration for years. The guy has to go, but, more of that at the other blog. Other than the usual aches and pains, I'm feeling great because I am out of the mess that had me committing adultery by proxy. Enabling it is the same as doing it myself to me.

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