Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Sitting in a garage in 90+ degrees does strange things to the mind. I was supervising the draining of various and assorted oils and the caption just popped into my head, so there was nothing else to do other than roll over there and take the picture.
The next picture earned me a 10% discount! In Hebrew the same word is used for the rear end of a car and a person. While the mechanics went on their lunch break, I waited in the air conditioned waiting room. When they came back this other Discovery was parked next to mine and I said rather loudly, "At last, my backside looks better than someone else's! Now, guess which one is mine! The whole garage cracked up and the manager said, "Yeah, and yours is younger too. I quite enjoyed it, but now, I'm achy and hungry, so I think I'll go eat something, watch the 1700 news show and rest. It was a fun day!!
Oh, and the very best part was when one of the mechanics drove a military jeep off a lift and smashed a Renault's front end. For once I didn't do it!!


Anonymous said...

Good looking vehicles in this pic.
Which one is yours?

Glad you had a fun time there at the garage. Flirting with the help eh?
That's a fun hobby.

Purplegimp said...

No, Pep, you have to guess!

Anonymous said...

What do the stickers say on the window? I don't want to guess that.

Purplegimp said...

The big one on the right says Maine Guides Know the way! So that pretty much gives away which one is mine. No ones else over here has a best friend who is a registered Maine Guide!!