Sunday, November 27, 2005


I suppose I'll have to apologize to Bat Chen soon. That's ok, because she owes me one too. Poor girl doesn't exactly know English very well, so I'm her solution to all things English. She has been busy putting together a work agreement contract in Hebrew and English for the next time, and I've been putting her off since I was in hospital. I just didn't feel up to it, and she was ok with that until today. She caught me at 0830 before I could escape phone range and we got the English version done. I made the email window nice and small so I could leave the word page regular size and go between them. It took about an hour and a half to get it done as we are both pretty much perfectionists(excluding spelling). In the meantime Orna came to do the dishes and floor, and take out the trash. For a while I wasn't sure who would finish first, and I was hoping it would be me and Bat Chen because I wanted Orna to help with pouring the sourdough started to a fresh bowl. Thankfully, it happened that way and the started was transferred and "fed" with no mishaps. It's looking good, all nice and bubbly. I thought Bat Chen and I were done for the day, and after sorting a few things around the house, started feeling tired and ready for a rest. I no sooner crawled into bed than she called to discuss typos. I told her I was in bed and needed to rest, but she wouldn't let it go and was so gleeful at my typos that I finally lost it and told her that it really isn't that important to me and to just use spell check, and hung up. Come on lady, I had a massive MI and coronary catheterization less than a month ago. Give me a break. Contrary to the way I sound, you don't just bounce back to the way you were before overnight.
I've always been one to push the envelope, but this has slowed me down a bit and when I need rest and tell her so, I expect her to respect it. I'll call her later and explain it slowly and carefully.
I have an appointment with the cardiac doc at the clinic tomorrow. Should be interesting. I'm going to run my rejection theory by him. And he's got the clinic's echo sonar machine. I wonder if that dead part of the heart is still dead. The docs at the hospital said it could come back. I certainly hope it has. It was disconcertingly weird watching the rest of the heart muscle contract and that little part not.
Mordy, *the boss of my bank account* is being diffidcult again, or should I say still. He and I are going to have a very long chat tomorrow. Irit, my loving(not) daughter has been on my account as an emergency something or other since my stroke in '98. I'm taking her off and putting Orna on instead. The bank will be a madhouse tomorrow, but I have a few things to do there, among them, explain to Mordy that the money might be there for now, but it can be taken out PDQ and the rest doesn't have to even go into that bank. A reminder that he'll have to explain how and why my account left that bank to the big bosses.

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