Wednesday, November 30, 2005


The annual holiday insanity is well on it's way to nowhere once again. I just don't get what all the fuss is about. The first amendment to the US Constitution is as clear as can be. It says that the Federal Government will not ESTABLISH a national religion. It seems that a dictionary might be required for some of the dolts involved in the idiotic annual "discussion". Having national holidays is not, repeat NOT even close to establishment of any religion. It is simply recognition of the fact that a vast majority of people have a celebration on those days. That's it. Putting up a Christmas tree in the town square is the same and trying to call it a holiday tree is just plain stupid. As long as any religion can use the town square for similar displays, what's the big deal? I don't exactly celebrate Christmas, but I do join in the snail mail card lists at two of my groups and don't get all hot and bothered when I get Christmas cards instead of Hanukkah cards. Sheesh. I even put them up and leave them up for a whole year. I do somewhat deplore what Christmas has become; a celebration of merchandising rather than what *I* think it should be; a sort of Christian Yom Kippur....a time to reflect and atone, but no one appointed me arbitrator for it. So, please knock off this ignorant crap and stop showing the world that you have absolutely no comprehension of English and the US Constitution.
I'm off to bamboozle Murdy at the bank. Early so Bat Chen can't trap me here before I get out!

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