Sunday, March 19, 2006


That miserable, lying, scheming, *itch of evility had the nerve to tell a lie to her lawyer. She was even stupid enough to tell a lie that was easily checked, as in with one phone call. It could even have been checked in 3 minutes on the Interweb! Oops. I've got her now, in two provable lies that, with any luck, and at the least can earn her a contempt of court decision and get her removed as(executioner) executor of Dad's estate.
Before I start patting myself on the back for my brilliant plan to foil her attempt at delaying the transfer of the money, I'm going to be smart and wait to see if it worked. I'll know late tomorrow. And won't I just shout it from the roof tops if it works!
The other day I suddenly remembered that it was time to renew my Interweb service and got an even cheaper package and a ridiculous overseas rate deal. I now pay 0.13 shekels for the first 13 minutes every month and 0.25 for every minute after the first 13. That's less than $.01 per minute. Ok, so there's a monthly charge of 4.95 shekels (just over ¢1) for those rates- Brits, divide by 8.1 for a rough idea of how cheap it is. The way rates are going, they'll be paying us to call overseas next year. Those rates make it a joke to call the lawyers in Florida, and my brother in Maine. At those rates I can call him every day if I want.
Next update after I find out if The Plan worked!

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