Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Plan *A* while brilliant, didn't work mainly because it was too complicated, but there's a good chance that plan *B* will. Plan *B* is so simple but is contingent on The Wicked One complying. I'll know later today if she did. I found out, after about a bazillion phone calls to the States I had all the information needed for her to a wire transfer without talking to *her* then, when I tried to find out if the wire went out as promised, the bank was already closed and the lawyer had gone off to some seminar, so I'll only be able to find out today if it went out or not. I don't even want to think about it not having gone out. The lawyer said she'd *make* her do it, but I don't really trust either of them, so I'm a bit stressed out by the whole thing. Doesn't she understand that while BBC is cheap to run, hills are a bitch! If the Land Rover I want is gone I don't even want to think about it, and I for sure don't want to even about choosing something else now that I've seen the Disco.
The Worlds Figure Skating Championships are on now and that makes for later nights. It sure didn't take the judges long to figure out how to mess things up. They've already found a way to give points to skaters who don't really deserve them and mark down skaters who do. Shades of Europeans and the Olympics. Not that the old system was better, it wasn't, but this one can be fiddled too. So many of the skaters seem to have already had their placing decided and that's just not fair. Not that it will stop me from watching every single event. It won't, I *have* to watch because my body can still feel every movement on the ice. And, yes, it does feel good, even I can't even walk any more. As long as I can still feel it, it's ok.

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