Wednesday, February 09, 2005


I still can't say I like it, but I'm learning my way around it, and I've found a way to make almost everything the most beautiful purple, so I guess it's not a total disaster. Child Genius is pleased with how well it's working that he's taken to coming over to work here! He has his very own server/hosting business, and I don't call him Child genius for nothing. He managed to get a scrabble game installed here, but it's not as good as the old one I had, that was for 98, and will not install on XP!
I've been plagued with power cuts all evening. Something is shorting, and for once it's not Harley Too's connection. I suspect the drier, and have turned it off for now. I'll investigate in the morning. Child Genius called just as I was drifting off for a kip, and as last night was another late one, I'm fading fast.
I had a fine rage at the TV during the news. The mad man is bulldozing ahead with his peace(piece) plan with absolutely no regard for the will of the people, and with a total disregard for any logic. I'm really afraid that this the road map to the end of Israel as a homeland for the Jewish people. The 'so called Palestinians are making ludicrous demands, like the release of terrorists who are in our prisons for murder, those with blood on their hands. Excuse me? Convicted murderers being released will contribute what exactly to peace? It's just too insane to contemplate. If the insanity of our political leaders (snerk) isn't enough, the Arab MKs are behaving in such a way that if it were in any other country, they'd be shot at dawn for treason. They act as if our Knesset were the 'so called' Palestinian parliament (a nonexistant entity), and it drives me wild. Why can't we trade with them? The Ara area and the triangle for our settlements? Oh, foolish me! The Arab residents of those areas would never agree, so we have to vacate villages, and they just stay where they are. Unbelievable. Sorry, I'm starting to think disjointedly and think maybe it's time for bed. Early tonight, it's only 1202

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