Saturday, February 19, 2005


It's bad enough that regular Israelis can not under any circumstances admit that they were wrong. I can't count the number of times I've seen an Israeli boss chew out an employee for something in front of other people, only to have the employee argue back and the whole thing escalates into a pitched battle with the employee being fired on the spot, in public. The whole thing could have been averted if the employee had only said one simple sentence, "I'm sorry, you are right. I will do my best to see that it never happens again." That one little sentence takes the wind right out of the boss' sails and turns the employee into a good guy. I've used that tactic many a time, and it works. If only the government had done something similar with the settlers. Here we are some 26 years after the evacuation of the Sinai settlements, and the government is going from bad to worse. They are completely ignoring the fact that the Sinai evacuation took place only 5 years after the settlers were SENT there. That's right, SENT there by their government, and that the Gaza folk were sent there, 26 years ago. There is a big difference between evacuating after 5 years and after 6 years. In fact, some of the Gaza evacuees are ex Sinai, again, with government blessing. For some inexplicable reason, our government would rather demonize, criminalize and disenfranchise the people it sent to Gaza settle there in the name of not only Israel, but the whole Jewish people. Why is that the government has such an impossible time saying "Thank you. You have performed an invaluable service for your country and people. Sadly, it's time leave, and we understand how hard it is for you." But an Israeli government can no more do that, than a regular Israeli can say "Sorry, I was wrong" What is wrong with us and why do we always have to be right, especially when we are wrong? And why can we never learn the past? Just about everyone agrees that the Sinai evacuation was a disaster, and gone about all wrong, so what do they do next time? The same exact thing, only worse. I am thoroughly outraged that hard working, honest, G-d fearing people, who were sent by their government to settle in the territories are being treated like this and turned in the bad guys in the story. As is anyone who dares agree with the settlers. We are all threats to the security of the country, and warmongers and worse. All this based on lie the 'so called palestinians are perpetuating about their population growth. Their figures have been proven to be completely wrong, yet, our leaders persist in using them to scare us into believing that their population will immininently over take ours. Not so, ain't gonna happen. How true it is that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. To me, the word doomed is the operative word in this digraceful episode of our history. I am afraid that the government's treatment of the settlers will eventually lead to the next diaspora. We have lost our sense of purpose and are only interested in furthering our own private lives, the other guy be damned. What I haven't quite figured out is; does it start at the top with politicians who accountable only to their parties, not the electorate, (with a PM who was elected to do one thing, then, for whatever reason, decided to do the exact opposite, and Knesset members whose loyalty is to the party from whose list they were elected) or does it start with the people who allow the political system to continue unchecked, rather than demand reform and accountability?
It's too sad for words. I just hope I'm not alive to see the end of Israel this time and chances are good that I won't be! We are so much better when united against a threat from without. We put aside our personal issues and pull together to save ourselves collectively, but the minute the threat is gone, or perceived to be less, turn right back to our personal issues, and the country be damned. The race after the almighty $ is disgusting as is hearing Israeli after Israeli say that they only want to be like the rest of the world. Well, guess what? We can never be like the rest of the world. We are Jewish and that sets us apart whether we like it or not. We have as a country lost our vision and purpose. I'm not sure it's too late this time, but I don't see a change in the offing. It happens every time we forget who we are, and try to be like everyone else.

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