Thursday, February 17, 2005


All this anti settler crap has gone way too far. Just who sent them to settle there, if not *US* as in, 'we the people' by way of our duly elected government, a Labour government, no less? Where the hells do they get off trying to disenfranchise and delegitimize the people they encouraged to settle there? Just how far can they go with their hypocrisy? Don't answer that! I'm beginning to get the picture. Go settle where the leaders want settlers, then, prepare yourself to be turned into a criminal for not agreeing to pick up and move when the very leader who was elected only because he promised not to do that has done a 180 and is now accusing you being a threat to the country/world and peace. It's too much.
On a much happier note. Orna and I cleared all the junk out of the spare room, moved the bookcase and put the computer desk in the corner with all the parts (monitor, printer, surge protector, etc.) on it, washed the dust away and lo and behold, a very nice guest room! It looks quite nice now that all the junk is up off the floor and the empty boxes and cartons are gone. In the not so great column, there's the missing purple tray thingy I need to find for the beautiful turkey I stuffed and roasted today. It is quite lovely, if I do say so myself. Back over in the good column; I just came back from a run to the mail box and there's a notice for an overseas package. Cab mentioned that she sent something. Bet it's that! I can't wait for morning to go get it!
Law and Order just started, so I'm taking my cold back to bed to watch and refill my meds boxes.

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