Saturday, February 12, 2005


There just isn't enough time in the day for me to get half the things I want to do started, never mind finished. My dear Child Genius has more or less taken over this computer in the evenings, which is fine because he does all the maintenance stuff and it seems to be running great, in spite of XP.
I spoke to The Philmore the other day and he has sent me a nice fat check that will put things back on track after the Harley Too purchase. Of course, I'll have to let him use Harley Too if he comes for a visit.............but, that's the least I can do in return for renewed financial health!
I found some old pictures the other day. I scanned the one of my grandfather from 1968, taken in Miami, then went on a search for the 4 generation picture of me, my mother, grandmother and Irit, which had been put in the Japanese lacquer box for safe keeping and scanned that one too! I'm going to have them made into proper pictures, framed and added to the rogues gallery (Mom & Dad's wedding picture, Mom's portrait and her high school picture) in my room.
I'm in a total rage about the government again. It's not enough that Sharon is doing the exact opposite of what he was elected to do, he's still selling the 'so called' Palestinian poplulation lie, and accusing those who want a referendum of being against peace and democracy. He has convinced himself that he can ignore, no deny everything he ran on/for and do as he wants. I haven't been this disgusted with a PM since Barak scarpered out of Southern Lebanon and brought the terror into Israel proper. Sharon actually asked that Hebrew terms be used (another pet peeve) but continues to use the Arabic himself. I must stop watching the news, or another stroke will be inevitable. I could go on about this for hours, but I have to write a note to The Philmore and convince my printer to print!

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