Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Three cheers for me! I think I've finally figured out what's wrong with the whole rat poison thing and why I'm so damned sleepy tired all the time. My body is waging a war against the rat poison and keeps the PT values fluctuating in it's attempt to do things the way it wants to and always has. The PT has only ever been in the desired range twice since I started taking it. That also explains the squits. Good old body is getting rid of the toxic stuff the best way it knows.Just what I need; a body with a mind of it's own!
This is very strange stuff. I have some very bad news for my body. This is one argument it's going to lose. It WILL start behaving the way it should, or else. Just don't ask me what the 'or else' will be.
The good news is that the burn is starting to get better. It still looks awaful, but healing can be seen under the yellow gunk.
Last night was annoying in the extreme. It wasn't so much that the other guy won the run off election. It was that all his supporters took to streets in the their cars with horns blaring and the jingle screaming from speakers at 0100. That's 1am. I don't care if it's traditional. The guy who won should have told his followers not to do it. People were innocently sleeping in their beds only to be rudely awakend at 0100 by horns honking and music screaming. This went on for close to two hours. I don't want to be a spoil sport, but couldn't they celebrate by trashing their headquarters or doing something quieter? They could have a huge celebratory party on another evening and not wake the whole city up in the middle of the night. Oh well, all I can say is that he doesn't want to run into me any time soon. I remember stuff like that and I'm very sorry but that's no way to start your first term as Mayor.


Anonymous said...

Ha, ha, Lucie. The rat poison of course wants to get out of your body, but now what? What is "or else"? Big problemo there. But, you are a genius for figuring it out. Stock up on bog paper.

Now the noise thing don't know what to tell ya. Throw rocks at them the next time and start a full blown riot. If you're up anyway, might as well go full bore. Like we do in the states. Nothing like a full blown riot to rev things up.

Purplegimp said...

In the name of accuracy, it's my body that's rejecting the rat poison, not the rat poison trying to get out!
And I do have a stock of bog roll as well as baby butt wipes.
Have no far, I WILL come up with a vrey good 'or' else'!
I'm just chuffed at having finally figured it out.

Anonymous said...

OMG I just heard about pepp's son!! How horrible! My heart aches for her. Those two must be zombies at this point. at a time like this, one feels so helpless .

Purplegimp said...

Both Gos and Pepp are shattered. I called her as soon as I got her an his mails and we talked for over an hour. It's going to take a long time for her to return to herself. There was a lot of stuff going on with her son even prior to this. The funny thing was that I had to send her an e mail to get off the interweb (dial up) so I could call. It will take a while, but, she'll be back. And Gos is being great. I'll probably post about it here and at TH.