Sunday, November 09, 2008


I seem to be all squitted out. Who would have thought that it could be that exhausting? I didn't! Yesterday I slept pretty much all day, then, all night. That hasn't happened since I can't remember when. Usually even a 10 minute doze will have me up most of the night, but not yesterday. I woke up bright and early at around 0600 and actually got up and spent a few hours at the computer until I saw what time it was. In a panic, I got dressed, sort of. I did try to pull my pants up with both feet in the same leg. That does not work.
Just take my word for it and do not try it yourself. I actually managed to slow down a bit, get dressed and got to the clinic a few minutes before they finished taking blood samples.
Then, I went grocery shopping and just as I was wondering how to get all the stuff inside, Moshe came along. Problem solved. I usually have them bring it because their delivery guy brings it inside, which is all I need. It's too much to do it myself. I can barely get myself and handbag in as it is.
My staggering lurch days are numbered. I just can't do it. Ok, I do it, but that means less than it sounds. For all it's lovely purpleness, Gimp House is not wheely friendly. It's still easier to lurch around than it is to wheel around.
For my next trick, I cleared out all the left over junk from Dem Der's last stay here when I was on the trip and washed all the dishes. Now, I'm going to make 'cheaters fried chicken' and clean the top shelf in the fridge while it cooks. That's the cheat. I boil it, then fry it. After that, it will be rest time.
That might not sound like much, and just everyone else in the world can get it done in 3 1/2 minutes, but to me it feels like 10 hours of over time at hard labor!

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