I was well and truly ready to wreak mayhem on the scooter company yesterday and still haven't given up on the idea. I was supposed to go to the clinic to get the patch on the pressure changed....but..... New Harley Too had other plans for the day. The rain finally arrived and NHT, smarter than he looks, only wanted to stay under his new nylon sheet cover and the hell with the old gimp's sore.
I had much fun telling the company what I think of it in my deadly cold nasty gimp tone! Yefim arrived this morning and actually found the problem. I sent him back with two very clear, consise nasty letters, one in English and one in Hebrew. Then, I got dressed and went to get the patch changed, and came straight home afterwards. On the way there it was sprinkling rain and almost just cold enough to snow. There is a covering of snow on the Naftali mountains just to the west of town. It sure is pretty.These pictures were taken just before I got home. The snow covering is so sparse that it will probably be gone by morning unless we get lucky and get more, which is entirerly likely if the local radar is accurate. There's still a lot coming our way.
Thanks for posting the pics. The Weather channel showed pics of the 'rare Jerusalem blizzard' earlier today. I hope for your sake you did get more snow. :D
I wish we'd gotten some in town but that was as close as it got. I could have gone up there on Harley, but all I wanted at that poing was to get back in the warmth and put my ankle up. Snow did stick in Metula, the town only 10 kilometers north uf us. They always get all the luck. Winter isn't over yet so there's still hope for a proper snow in town!
Great pics Lucy. We missed the snow too here, but from the looks of the snow storm in parts nearby, I'm glad we missed it.
I'm sure you'll get another chance.
We are having a nasty dry cold winter and I have no doubt that we will see more snow before it's over. Down here as well as on the surrounding hills. I don't mind putting up with the cold if there's snow to go with it!
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