Tuesday, January 15, 2008


There have been way too many times since Dem Der moved in that I have wished that murder was legal. These are but a few of the capital offenses he has commited. He has never once put the bog seat down. Not a once. He leaves shampoo blobs on the shower floor and has a shaving foam covered can of shaving foam enshrined in a place of honor among my purple shamoos, soaps and stuff. He has gone through an amount of bog roll that I have trouble using up in 6 months in less than one month. And that's just the bathroom!
As far as the kitchen goes, he thinks that paper towels were made for drying dishes, pots and pans, and if it runs out that bog roll is a worthy substitute. A 6 pack of paper towels lasts at least 6 months when it's just me. He leaves empty packaging and wrappers in the cupboard and there's a crumpled up piece of paper towel on a shelf in the fridge. There's a little waste thing in the sink with a bag in it for the gunk that's left in the sink after doing dishes and he puts used paper towels/bog roll in it instead of the bin under the counter. When he can be bothered to use the bin, he can't be bothered to push the stuff down far enough so the flip top on the bin cover will close properly. It's also perfectly ok not to close cabinet doors so that not quite awake gimps can walk into them.
The dining table is adorned with his most recent purchaces, which does nothing by way of helping me get over my habit of dumpling things there. I no sooner get it all cleaned off than he's filled it up again and added duboius pieces of paper towel/bog roll.
He's invented a new security system to keep intruders out of his room. Rather than use the external latch and lock that *I* put on the door, he uses a system of fallen or dropped broom and dust pan with crossed handles. How he gets in and out without tripping over them, must be part of the genius of his invention.
There are no words to adequately describe the room he lives in. I'd take a picture, but I fear for the camera lense!
I don't suppose I could claim murder in self defence?
On the other hand, the poor guy does try. Any time he leaves his toxic waste dump for other regions of Gimp House, he does ask if he can me anything. I'm spending rather more time than usual in bed as that little slit neck thing has left me feeling more like Wimp Gimp than Wonder Gimp. Who would have thought it would take so long to start feeling like my own unusual self again? All they did was slit my neck, do some fairly simple plumbing, staple me back together and send me home. So why am I so tired all the time? It's not the pressure sore because that predates the operation by a good 3 weeks.
Israel is going though a miserable cold wave with night time temps under zero for most of the country. That's 32 for you Farenheit users. No rain, so no cloud cover to keep the air warmer at night.


Anonymous said...

Hi Franne, I wanted to ask you something, if that's okay. Some time ago you said that witnessing is illegal in Israel. I asked one of my teachers about that, and he said that it is not illegal, and every man has a natural right to tell or "recommend" his religion to anyone else. So I was wondering where you heard that it's illegal to witness in here…


Purplegimp said...

Yo, Boe!
You must have been too busy to visit here for a long time.
Dem Der (guess where I got the namme!) is a distant relative. We grew up together in Maine. He lives over here and managed to get himself evicted. So, I moved him into Gimp House's spare room until he get his housing sorted. He already has approval for a flat. Now we are waiting for the medical aproval on a ground floor flat.
Who says we want to join the EU? That's news to me. We are already in the Economic Union, but this is the first I've heard of us wanting to join them all the way. That's a scary thought.

Unknown said...

Yo Franne! Did you by any chance steal my "Dem Der" Badd motorcyles moniker that I hung on you and the Tea Drinker? It's okay. The handle wasn't copy righted. Here is a link for Israel and the EU. I will responding to your last E-mail shortly.


Purplegimp said...

Yo, Boe!
I just read the stuff at the link you sent.
I think that when it comes right down to it, we will not vote to join them. On some subjects we say one thing, but in the end, do another. G-d help us if we do try to become a full member of the EU.

Purplegimp said...

Yo, Boe.
I did indeed take the Dem Der moniker for my relative/homeless/friend. But I gave you credit the very first time I used it.