Sunday, September 17, 2006


It seems that I actually did get the TIVO to record a program, and let me watch it. The remaining problem is finding Hallmark. I'll work on that another day. I just hope it records Hogan's Heroes today.
I finally got around to calling my brother yesterday.Jenny Jump is moving out into a group home and I'm really excited for her. It's a huge step and a very positive one.
Jeffro brought up the mobile home thing again. I used to think that would be great for them and in a way it would be, but, after having been there, I know it really isn't that good an idea. My baby brother is the best, but he just isn't into any kind of maintenance and that mobile home just wouldn't be taken care of and would fall to pieces with in 5 years. I was a bit harsh with him and told him flat out that taking the money out of the bank and having a bon fire with it would be pretty much the same as buying a mobile home. Strange as it sounds, my "slum lord" scheme is much better for them. A 3 or 4 apartment house would pay for itself and be a future source of income for the kids. There are even several options for running it. There's no way Jeffro could do it on his own and I'm too far away. That leaves either a management company or a trusted friend. Vicky's friend Robbie would be ideal and my ex would be good too. The whole thing turns on finding the right building so I'll pop over in the Spring and get it sorted.
Jeffro just can't be bother with fixing things that go wrong and hates any hassle. The condition his present apartment is in is criminal, and even though it's not his fault, or even his responsibility, he can't be bothered to get on to the landlord to get even the really dangerous things fixed. The stairs up to his place are falling apart, and never mind the railing that's coming apart. It's a miracle no one's been injured or killed on those stairs and the toilet in not properly anchored to the floor. The electric system is so old it can't handle even a small window air conditioner and they don't even control their own heat. It might be a good idea to start looking around the real estate ads on the interweb again and start making some phone calls to agents in Auburn to find a place. I'm not too concerned about him trying to get around my plan by running out and buying a mobile home tomorrow for the simple reason that he really hates change and the road of least resistance is the one he'll end up taking. He also knows that if I buy the building there won't be any strings attatched other than obvious reasonable business ones like how it's run and that it go to his kids come the day.
I have to organize myself for a morning at the flower shop which means getting my hands on a chair I can sit on, some coffee and a cup. It's only about 7 minutes by Harley from the door store, so, I'll be able to hop back and forth. Best get on with getting ready.

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