Sunday, April 09, 2006


These have been the most amazing three weeks I can remember, and it gets better daily. My pal at the bank, Mordy, made a huge mistake and got taken down in the middle of the bank for it. I've told him at least a million times that I will not, repeat, WILL NOT discuss my banking with him outside of his mini office/cubicle. I am more than willing to park Harley outside his office and walk the 2 steps inside. On the day I went to vthe bank to get the cashiers check to pay for previous partner's share of the business, he actually had the nerve to stop me out in the main bank and try to advise me against doing it.
I took a deep breath and the exchange went like this.....
M "I want to give some advice. You really shouldn't do what you are thinking of doing."
F "I really don't think you are the person I want advice from. I know at least as much about business as you do, if not more"
M "But you really should....."
F "Are you my father?"
M "No"
F "Is the money yours?"
M "No"
F "Then, run along like a good little clerk and sign the form"
Didn't he just fly into his corner to sign it? And didn't everyone in the bank crack up laughing? Stupid man. I can guarantee he'll never make that mistake again. A couple of days later, after I got the paperwork done, I went in to open a business account and Mordy's counterpart on the business side, started the advice part by saying, " I'm not your father, and it isn't my money, but could I give you some bankerly advice?" Even he had heard the confrontation! And yes, I was willing to listen to him and he said some very sensible things about managing the business account.
Things have really started moving business wise, and, I couldn't be more thrilled. In the first week I was here we doubled sales over the whole previous month! And today, we've already met the first weeks figures, in just one day!
The very best thing of all happened this morning. Over a year ago a dear friend and I stopped speaking to each other over the stupidest thing ever. This morning she came in to find out what was happening with a door she'd ordered. We made up tearfully and had a wonderful, if too short, visit. I missed her so much, and just never got around to making up with her, but, thanks to me being in this business now, we found each other again.
I know I said I'd have more time to post here because I'm in the shop all day, but it isn't working out quite that way. There's so much to do here that there really isn't time to post. Business first. With any luck I'll have my computer at home up and running in a week or so. In the meantime, back to the salt a business to run!

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