Wednesday, April 26, 2006


If I'd wanted a swimming pool, I'd have bought one, but as I don't really want a swimming pool, I bought this business instead, only to see it turned into an Olympic size pool in half an hour before my very eyes! We had a freak (undertatment) rain storm yesterday and the whole town almost floated away. New roads with a new drainage system were recently built, but the drains were all plugged up and caused major flooding all over town. Our 82 year old bike assembler almost had a heart attack while pushing the storm surge out of the store with a squeegie, which in turn almost gave me another heart attack. Finally, Shmaryah made a hole in the floors of the two rooms we use for storage and the last of the water went down the holes. About 10 minutes later Avi, the guy who built a storage room under the biulding illegally) came screaming in and accused us of flooding his illegal room. Shmaryah figures he deserved it because he spent the whole morning laughing at 'our' flood. Our new holes in the floor couldn't have flooded his illegal room because no more than two buckets went down there from us. Avi was most displeased that he couldn't pin the damge on me, and he's still in a rage today. Too bad. Now he'll have even more to laugh at me about. I just killed the TV set. Shmaryah put the volume way low and when I went over to turn it up, I hit the wrohg button and now we only get notices in Chinese. Where is Kiri/Cab when I need her?

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