And here we have a picture of the 'new'(for me) porch roof that was put up while I was out on Thursday by my son's wife's father and brother. I am having trouble (Who? Me?) finding the words to express what a wonderful surprise it was to come hom and find it all installed. Granted, as you can easily see, it is not exactly a wrork of art, but, it's not supposed to be. It's only function is to keep Harley dry during the winter rains as well as the wheely that I leave locked to the ramp rail when I go out on Harley. Some time before next winter Golan has sworn a solemn oath that he will Put up a sheet of plastic along the edge for better protection of the wheely. When I got home I was lost in a fog of sorts because my bank came through for me once again, and solved what could have been a nightmare of a situation with one of the several debts Shmaryah so kindly left me with. To say the least I wasn't paying much attention to what was going on around me and just rode Harley up the ramp and stopped him in his usual spot. When I put my hand out to grab the ramp rail for the thransfer from Harley to the wheely my had hit a post that wasn't there before, which caused me to look around and finally see the wonderful surprise Motty and Matan had made for me. I did feel more than a little sheepish that I hadn't noticed it as I rode up the ramp. (it's not exactly small and inconspicuous). But, my reaction when I did finally see it more than made up for that. After I take care of the Shmaryah problen in the morning, I'm going over to thank them a little belatedly.
The particular mess that Shmaryah left me to deal with (it was one he was supposed to take care of himself) turned into a huge problem for me. I got a notice from the court that if the debt wasn't paid by tomorrow,-Monday, I would no longer be able to use my credit card, write checks, renew my drivers lisence (valid until 2015) or my Israeli passport(expired, not that I have any plans to use it in the near future). After getting over the initial shock and calming down a bit, I decided to go the bank in the morning and ask 'The Boss of Me 'there if she had any ideas on how to save the situation. As hoped, she did, and will give the money to pay that one off in full, and to buy new batteries for Harley when these die which will be in the next few weeks. As I was out of oxy, and have known for at least a month that I need to up the dose, I got the prescription, the pills and fags, then home. I hate to think of what my mood would have been if not for my most wonderful banker......For the first time, the new dose of oxy hit me pretty hard. I was high as a kite and felt all foggy and floaty and sleepy. I ended up spending the rest of Friday and most of Sarurday resting in bed while Gimp House spun around me. I simply can not understand how addicts can possibly like that feeling. I emphatically did not, and today, has been much better as far as that goes except for the sleepiness. Human bodies do not take well to stress, nor to the sudden relief from it. I'll go to bed early tonight and hope it'll be even better tomorrow when I have so much to do.
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