Friday, December 26, 2008


I freely admit it. I've been lazy this week and not posted here. In my defense, it was a busy week. Then it started raining. The rain pretty much messed up most of my plans. I don't have any proper shoes to wear, so even putting Peg out turns into a muddy mess just from the wet ramp and my feet get cold from the water my felt slippers soak up. A few meetings were canceled and I can only assume it was because of the rain. I might complain about the shoe issue, but I'd go out anyway. It's only water, after all and it wouldn't hurt a bit if a few pounds melted away.
On Monday there was a gimp chanukah party at the geezer club. I went for one reason. It's just not right if all Five of us are at an event like that. There were no geezers there. It was just for us gimps, but there were tons of kids there. I did manage to restrain myself from doing them any bodily damage while they were running around and making noise while eating a quarter or half of the traditional doughnuts. Yes, I know it's the parents fault, but the kids are easier targets. I could happily run over those adults who say stupid things like, "Kids will be kids" because, yes, they will, even when they become geezers. They will be infantile geezers with no idea of how to behave. At least everyone survived!
I got first prize with my cleaning lady! Gimp House is starting to look so much better. We had a bad moment yesterday when I almost slipped off the bed while putting the ace bandage on. That would have been really bad because I can't up from the floor myself and she's only maybe 5'2" so not much help!
On the really bright side, my bank account is finally ok. Within the agreed limits and I can even pay the cleaning lady and car insurance! At last. Granted I can't do much of anything else, but at least things are back on an even keel.
Yesterday was Christmas, so I called Alice for our annual chat, then I called a friend whose son killed himself recently. I'm feeling a guilty that we laughed so much. I know it's healthy to laugh, but, she's feeling rotten, to put it mildly so I had a vague feeling of discomfort over the hilarity. But it was Christmas. A day to be joyful on if ever there was one, I guess.
And here we are on Friday. I have to go out and get a few things; the local papers, and some tangerines. So, off I go!


Kimberly said...

Okay, I'm really GLAD you didn't fall off your bed!! I'm also HAPPY you and Pep had a good visit. The Bible says that laughter does good like a medicine, so I'm sure that is what she needed!

Now, on to more serious business, how are YOU? I gather from talks we've had, that you're in the Northern part of Israel, but it's not that big and with all the mess that is going on, is anyone REALLY safe now?

I'm praying for you and all the gimps! You can email me, if you don't want to answer here. Love you...K (Str8)

Purplegimp said...

My bed is high with two deep mattresses as I am tall-5'10" or so, I like it high because it's easier to slide to a sort of standing position. The problem is that it's also pretty easy to slide off into heap while holding one semi paralyzed leg up with the other, which isn't.
I often have interesting mornings.
Pepp and I had a great phone visit, but as feared, she had a hard time afterwards. Thank G-d for Gos.
As to the developments in Gaza, there's a new post up at TH.