That's Hezi's car to the left of the white one. After a short consultation it was decided that McGyver would get in through the driver's door and back the van up far enough for the lift to open. It pretty much had to be him because Hezi drives in his wheely so there's no seat for a driver.There's also the fact that Hezi drives with hand controls which neither Savta nor I are used to. McGyver also uses hand controls so, he was elected. The first plan was for Savta to lift McGyver's chair into the van, then for McGyver to climb into it and do the job from his chair. After he opened the driver's door he saw that he could do it without the chair, which he did.

Here the van is far enough out to lower the lift safely.

Savta helps McGyver out of Hezi's van and into back into his wheely. We are all feeling quite chuffed with ourselves! Yet another successful rescue. People just don't think when they park, and more than one one gimp has been stuck waiting to get into their van until the jerk who blocked the lift arrives and makes room to lower the lift.
With Hezi safely rescued I headed in to town to pick up two pictures I'd left with Itzik to develope that show that a newly opened store is not accessible. We are upset beause the law states that any new business must be accessible. Of course our previous mayor had no problem giving the license to open while they were in violation. Uh oh. I found McGyver at his clinic's pharmacy and had to laugh that the same make of car was parked so close to his that his chair lift only had a fraction of inch to spare. Of course, by the time he came out, a huge delivery van was blocking him from behind. I finally ran that driver down to earth and he moved his van. Today was not a good parking day for gimps in town! I'm thinking that all our local gimps would very much like their very own Five to solve these types of problems. Of course we do help anyone who needs if we can. It was just that today the rescues were of the Five by the Five.
When will people show some respect? This was so utterly despicable of people who are 'able' and don't need special parking!
I get so mad when i see people park in handicap slots and get out and walk with no problem. I've even said something to some of them. Usually it is someone who drives around another person who is handicapped and they're not with them. Then don't use it! It's insensitivity like this that makes people look like morons!
I'm glad you all have each other! Blessings, I was on crutches after knee surgery for 3 weeks, but as soon as I was off of them, I didn't use the tag anymore! I can't imagine dealing with it daily!
I ride around with a camera in my bag and take pictures of jerks who don't have gimp cards, but use gimp spaces, then, send the pictures to the head cop shop. They, in turn, just send a ticket to the offender. It's great fun.
Today I took off on a Russian geezer who parked his scooter in a car disabled place and thought he was so cool until I offered to make him eligible for one. He'll think twice before he does it again. I told him that "d move his scooter if he ever did it again. And I will.
Good for you! We need more civilians who will talk up and take pictures of these people. I'm a photographer, I almost always have a camera, you've given me an idea! ;)
The really fun part is that word usually spreads quickly that I'm there with a camera and the offender comes running out to convince me not to send the picture. It doesn't work and if they are really annoying, I use my moble and send the picture as a text message. That really gets them and the move.
You could say that I have a bit of a reputation in town!
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