Wednesday, February 01, 2006


I'm beginning to think that I'll never catch up with myself. I've been going at full speed for too long and must find the time to wind down. Today was supposed to be easy, the clinic, travel agent, then, home. I did get my prescriptions, my plane ticket, the rental car sorted, fags, then home. I sat outside with 'the ladies' for a while, then a guy from City Hall to tell me to go and pay for the gimp parking place sign, which I did, then I went to get some special printer paper and the guy told me that I should get just the large sheet and cut them to size as it would give me something to do. WHAT? I barely have time to do the sticker designs, never mind time to sit around and cut them out. When I told Orna what he said she suggested that maybe he should spend a morning following me around and then talk! That really was too much. Here it is after 2200 and I'm still playing catch up. There was so much I wanted to go into more detail about from Tuesday's post, but just can't stay here much longer. I have to get up early, get a blood test, pick up my meds, go back to the travel agent, the cell phone place, back to the clinic, to the butcher, come home, give Orna the turkey, go to Tel Aviv.....I had a very nice phone call from my son who informed me that the checks will be going out at the end of the month, and I finally got around to firming up plans with Fingers and Rosebud who, bless their little cotton socks, are both willing to put us up, or should I say, put up with us? I'm really starting to get super excited about the trip! I think I'll just quit now, and try to get the revs down enough to sleep. Got some serious back and shoulder pain, but a pain pill will square that away!

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