Saturday, November 07, 2009


It's amazing how cheap and easy it is to be become a 'legal' addict in Israel. We've pretty much run out of pain killer options, so my doc suggested that I try oxycontin. He did warn that it's highly addictive, (yeah, yeah, I know) as he was printing the prescription. I charged downstairs to my clinic's pharmacy, but they don't keep it in stock down there, so I had to go to a Superpharm (kind of like a Wallgreens) and they don't keep it there either. The head pharmacist did call around and found some that would be there the next day, but I had to get the prescription changed because he can't give out 20 of them in one go unless the doc specifies a reason for that much. So, yesterday morning, it was back to the doc who just gave me a new one that specified 2 per day for 10 days and that solved the problem. And they only cost NIS 13, which is around $3.25. I'm going to go nice and slow with it and start with 1 a day, like those vitamins. Cheap, innit? In the mean time my doc has sent off for official permanent approval for me to take it. That should be ok as my pain is my lower back which is slowly disintegrating, and left leg which needs both knee and hip joints replaced. They can't do that because you need the other leg to be able to go through rehab after the replacement and that leg is partialy paralyzed, so the replacements are a no go. My sawbones told me several years ago that it would be a matter of pain management. I took Naxyn (naproxen) for 10 years, then found that it caused a nice little ulcer which lead to all the nonesense with the coumadin. I did try a few other non NSAIDs which did nothing for the pain. So, here I am an addict in training! At least it's cheap.And after taking one, it works. It's also the lowest dose, 5mg.
I did finally get a solid night's sleep last night. Constant pain can do wicked things to a person. It really sucks about the ulcer because the Naxyn does work quite well. But, I am thankful that there is something else. It really doesn't matter if I do get addicted because there are really no ther options at this point.


Unknown said...

There is a cure for your ulcer. It is a 7-pack heavy duty antibiotic regimen. Involves swallowing several horse-size pills over a 7 day period.
Ask your doc for this. Your ulcer is caused by the helicobacter pylori bacteria. Mine was cured by the treatment about 8 years ago. The treatment is a nightmare (at least it was for me because I choke swallowing huge pills), but the results were fantastic.

Purplegimp said...

That would work if the ulcer had not been caused by almost a decade of taking an NSAID and aspirin. All I needed to do was stop taking them. It's just fine now.
Now, I'm just an addict taking coumadin and my stomach doesn't bother me at all any more.

Unknown said...

So glad to hear your stomach is OK now. I'm wondering why you have to take coumadin. Do you have atrial
fibrillation? Otherwise aspirin and other suitable meds will stop blood clots. Such meds have to be taken with FOOD to avoid stomach upsets.

Purplegimp said...

I have the rare priviledge of taking coumadin because of DVTs.
The hospital release letter said to take it for 6 months, then, reevaluate. I reevaluated and decided to stay on a 2.5mg dose because this was my second go around with DVTs, and I don't really need a third! At least this time it isn't wreaking the havoc it did the first time.

Unknown said...

I'm having a stroke blank-out. Refresh my memory - what are DVT's?
Addictions can be overcome. Don't give in or give up. I am stopping smoking on January 1, 2009.
I still think you are something of a hero losing all the weight that you did. My younger sis (she is 58) weighs about 380 lbs. She is very active, but I do worry about her weight.