I usually don't have trouble sitting up in bed and can to sit ups, pretty much forever. When I got sprung from my last hospitalization I had trouble sitting up because my stomach was sore from repated shots of Clexane. That was when I realized what the purple thing I'd bought in Maine was for; it's a Tarzan Rope. See?

It might look a little odd, but it works and it's not dangling in my face like a proper trapeze would! It sure did come in handy the morning after I forgot to take my meds, and my back did not want to hear about sitting up or anything else. It's even more fun if you can do a proper Tarzan call! That's really fun if someone else is in the house! Hmmm, my box spring is getting a little tatty. I've only had it since 1985, and moved 5 times since then, so I guess it's allowed to look like that.
Wow a tazaen rope I could use one to swing to my bus stop . They cut my old one off
You were there when I bought it. Remember?
I think you'd be better off with a nice long water slide to your bus stop or mabey a mini roller coaster? But, if you insist on a Tarzan Rope, ttry your Walmart. Isn't that where I found mine at the Walmart in Maine?
I received your other end of the tarzan rope but something happened that I've been afraid to tell you. Now promise you won't yell.
After we got it, Ron was checking it out to make sure it could bear my weight after he found a way to tie it to the bed. So he stretched it real hard to make sure it would hold, but something bad happened, it tore in half and there was nothing but strings attached to each end. I kept it for awhile thinking I could use it as a suave boa on some special night (like when that would be is anybody's guess) but the Hawk said he hated boas and no way would he be seen with me wearing a boa.
I'm afraid the tarzan rope is now defunct. But I wanted to thank you profusely for sending it to me. It's just a shame the Hawk has such powerful hands. I don't go near those hands too much. He never realizes what strength he has in them after his black belt karate lessons.
So much for the Tarzan rope or the boa.
St. Gracie,
The only thing you have to be afraid of from me, is telling me that you pooped in living room. I'm quite sure Hawk got yelled at for both us from you.
That Tarzan Rope was not meant to be tested by a big strong man. He should have known that if it held for me, it work for you.
On the up side, you did have your very own exclusive Tarzan Rope, if not for very long.
Isn't it the thought that counts?
Love your tarzan purple rope. I tuck in my double fleece blanket on one side, so I use that to pull me up. I'm not much of a gambler, but every once in a while I buy a Canadian Lotto ticket. First on my list if I win is a new boxspring and mattress for my friend Franne.
It was so cool to find out what purple thing was really for almost 4 yers after I bought it! And it works a charm.
Thank you so much for thought, but I only need the box spring. The mattress is a fancy pants one that has all kings of color coded foam blocks that are put in according to the body of the person using it ad it's still in very shape. I do appreciate the hought, though.
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